Saturday, June 11, 2022

Beauty Unfurled


Okay! It is time to write another post! And, boy have things tumbled by in these last 10-days! Last night the rain gods finally blessed us and today the temps are lower with a mild breeze. And talking of rains, the blogger had fun in the pool with raindrops dancing a lazy dance on the pool's swirls and eddies! And, the blogger has also turned into a quasi trainer, got 3 trainees for aqua exercises! A good 1hr is spent 5 times a week in the pool! In other stuff, before I forget, a regular contributor celebrated her wedding anniversary yesterday (June10).. May you have many, many more @Shalini! Gods bless both of you! Yea, the blogger became a year younger, too! Life's good, even as work is hectic!

 So, let's go right ahead, today we begin with an all encompassing one:

 Could whites ever be a crowd
Understated but never loud
All around us they unfurl
Varied forms & shapes do joyously uncurl

Another variety of hibiscus did Udayji share
It promptly reminded Vivek of foodie fare
A perfectly fried egg he did it call
Don't know whether that was a lift or fall
Violets and purples did in join
No more food names did Vivek coin
A bouquet eminently posed
All colors in it smugly reposed

The wonders that Udayji pulls forth

Descriptors that raise their worth
A discerning eye he doth bring
Flora for him merrily sings

Of trees, dogwoods and the India International Center
Into this a peacock gorgeous did enter
The dainty teamed with majesty regal
Rest assured, all are justified & legal

In her parents' balcony, laughter does roost
Bird figurines, a broken hen,  memory gets a boost
The hen guarding the box of change
From one home to another, do admire its range

Wildflowers from Imphal, Magnolia and Pigeon Pea
Mighty blooms that are the key
To tales that wanderers do tell
Of flowers from vale, hill and dell

Vivek blamed the blistering heat
Flowers, he said, into hiding it had beat
Jola from Poland came to his rescue
With blooms in blazing colors anew
Another time they came from sister's garden
Rich hues our hearts to gladden
Pinks, yellows, reds came to decorate
The blog and our moods did elevate

 But there were some that ignored the heat
Cheerily sent out blooms to meet
The day and us with loaded song
Music to which we hummed along
The golds and yellows did arrive
Wild garlic joined them to drive
Our attention to their glowing faces
As they went through their seasonal paces

More vivid hues did the air permeate
A wide spectrum that does create
Enjoyment for one and all
Bounty that holds us in thrall

My Co-Contributors

Vivek, Shalini, & UdayBaxiji; UdayBaxiji next 2 frames; Shalini, UdayBaxiji; Vivek & Shashi; Shalini; Shalini, UdayBaxiji & Shashi; Vivek (Via Jola), Ranjona, Shashi, Vee & Shashi; Vivek (via Jola) & Shashi; Vivek, Shantha, & UdayBaxiji; Shashi & Shantha; Shantha, Shalini (N'bala) & Shashi; Shashi, Shantha, June & UdayBaxiji.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Flowery Praise


When the work just keeps on coming in, it piles up, especially when you are the main & alone gateway to further processes. It's definitely pissing off when documents contain too many errors, most of them repetitive! The blogger is deluged; forget rhymes, even sane English has fled! The simple act of creating collages of shared flowers feels like a massive mountain piled on! This blog post is being written in increments with the hope that by this weekend, a post will be up! Please bear with me and thanks a ton for bearing with and being so understanding this far!

Rhymes seemed to have gone for a toss
That's both the bloggers & blog's loss
Patiently friends/sharers do wait
Hopefully it will not be too late
To string words into some verse
Mayhaps, be blessed  by the universe!
For flowers there are in plenty
Many more, likely five times twenty

Flowers in all shapes, and sizes
Carved from wood like beautiful prizes
Coming from near and afar
Beauties, all of them stars
Some special mentions do deserve a note
Raindrops on lilies always get my vote
Like a peacock's tail the bush does uncurl
Presenting flowers that merrily twirl

Pinks, reds and all their hues
A spectrum that does everywhere diffuse
Its glories for us to enjoy
For odes and stories to employ
With themselves to knit a tale
That encompasses hills, valleys and dales
Hither and thither blooms do grow
For evermore a godly show

Tales of Hibiscus double hued
Do not really allow us to exclude
The football lily and red hot poker
The names conjure a joker
Nevertheless, the duo do align
Maybe it's nature's sign
Telling us to do the same
And get on with life's game

More are yet to come
But at least I have put up some
May get me more time to create
And not hesitate
To put fingers to the job
Flowers of their praise cannot be robbed
Some more frames shall make their way
See the light of the blog's day
But, for that you must tarry a-while
Till time, rimes and verses roar back in style!


Shantha & Shalini; Shantha, Vivek, Shalini, & UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi, Shantha & Shalini; June, Vivek & Shalini; June & Shantha; UdayBaxi, Shashi & Vivek; Devlina, Kirti, June & Shashi; Subytweets, Shashi & Shalini; Vivek & Shashi

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  #DailyFlowers Time as usual has flown by and we have moved into 2025; winter is here, hopefully moving on and Spring is signaling its entr...

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