Saturday, August 27, 2022

Shared Blooms


 The months march on, August is ending, September waiting round the corner and life goes on. Sometimes the work week is easy at times tougher than tough! We humans are a strange lot: we grumble when we have too much free time & less work and groan and moan when there's too much! In the nearly 3 decades that I have been working, there must have been at the max a 80-odd weeks where work and free time were perfectly balanced. And in the midst of this madness, history and the current met, smiled, shared blooms

The city of Hyderabad, ancient & modern
How many feet these paths have trodden
At one the Nizam's palace, thence the NPA
The cradles of administration, law & order
There went Shalini Social Media to re-order
Explain with hubby the intricacies of this space
Allow cadet officers a step ahead in the race
Alongside, the gardens did flourish
Their residents brilliant hues do nourish

Some more travels that she did undertake
Pix from there she did bring for us to partake
A red multi-layered house did she spy
Green gables, reddish pots too did catch the eye
Along with her a contributor rare
Brought in beauteous fare

One of our members always on his mind has food
Was apt that the red & whites reminded him of something good
But he also brought forth the mogra's tale
Alone or in company this beauty's intricate detail
Meant that it was adored and did prevail
Along with surprises that Coriander did spring
As its flowers did Scharada's close attention bring

There were more surprises in store
The red bottle brush upped the score
The fruiting bush created quite a sight
Delicious guavas showed their might

Our most prolific contributors this blog complete
Daily, magical beauties form stupendous treats
How do I separate one from the other
They seem to be having a friendly competition rather
Their gems totally astound
The collections are quite profound
Lost I get sometimes
for rhymes
Their beauty loudly chimes
For me to be silent, offer them up for praise
So that all may on them lovingly gaze

Yellows, oranges, pinks and white
Colors in combination always delight
For more, violets, fuchsias do well meld
Readers of this blog are truly be-spelled
Some gems from contributors new
While the old hold true

My Co-Contributors

Shalini; Shalini & Nimmypal; Vivek & Scharada; Scharada; Shashi & FreyaS; Shantha; UdayBaxiji, Shashi & Devlina; UdayBaxiji, Subytweets & Shantha; Vivek, UdayBaxiji & Shalini; DrManish, Battrebeet  & Shantha; DrManish & Devlina; DrManish, Shantha & AdityaDSingh.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Mountain Trips for Flowery Posts


The blogger was delayed, almost by a fortnight! While the contributors are mighty generous and patient, they are not above or beyond nudging the blogger. Usually,  by sharing rhymes and lines which remind me that I am being remiss. Well, Shalini sent in 2 sets in this interval and I did promise that she would lead the post, so here goes:

For the group
I took a trip
To a mountain tip
For I was told
There'd be flowers and behold!
Flowers to the left of me
Flowers to the right of me
And flowers in front of me :)
And if that wasn't enough, she today chimed in with
We scour far and wide
We beg and borrow
So that on the morrow
We have some posts
For our most
Beloved bard...
How was the "bard" to let the lines go, responded with this amiable flow
Your hard work shall be rewarded
Due courtesy awarded
The post shall likely start with your lines
The blogger will have a hard time making others shine
The WiFi is back, up & running
To be posted on, pics are a gunning
Give the poor bard some time
To conjure up some pretty rhymes
Blooms she brought from hither & thither
From a friend's garden too for us to consider
Whites speckled with orange-yellows
Altogether making the frame mellow

Truth be told
Let the blogger be bold
Was tempted to lead with Shantha's beauties
But then was reminded of my duties
A promise made must be kept
So others were aside swept
But now it is their turn
Blooms whose glories we must discern
In the same way, that our contributor selects,
Photographs and then collects
Streaming them through the week
These are flowers majestic, not at all meek

 I did think Udayji was on a yellow streak
But then in he did these oranges & pinks sneak
But the yellows definitely ruled the day
They soothed my tired brain and helped it stay
On course to complete my work
For that I cannot shirk
But was I glad to meet colors brilliant
Their presence makes this blog so resilient
Udayji casts his net far and wide
Through this he takes us along for the ride
Other colors mingled in with pride
Nature her palette well applied

Neither the Hibiscus nor the Lily will let go
They are determined to make most of their show
But we the viewers don't really mind
They are two flowers uniquely designed
To capture minds hearts and souls
Each superbly playing their roles

Still more glories on the scene do blaze
Their shapes, sizes, definitions do us amaze
Succulents, frangipani, roses, yet more do in stray
All in all, what a merry display
Nature's arranged glories
Or office bouquet stories
Pinks on shrubs and trees
While godly petals the tree frees
All harbingers of times and seasons to come
Festivals, celebrations, add to the fun
Also, in this time fell the birthday of a contributor dear
He brings to us beauties from far and near
Usually in bunches of four
Nature's goodness he does on us pour
A fervent wish we for him raise
Happiness, grace, love, joyous abundance stays
In his life today & forever
Success glaze all his endeavors

A Rakhi moon,  rain-drenched alamanda & phlox
Play together brilliantly this frame to stock
Lil moments of greatness from the pix takers
We could call them the shakers and makers
Of lovely tales that this blog doth tell
As it rings its weekly/fortnightly bell

It's been raining for days on end
To fungi mischief the weather itself lends
Trust Vivek to home into their show
From there into childhood memories flow
Of dogs, their pees and creative designs
That they must have executed to leave signs
That were discovered by curious kids
Who likened them to comfy steps
That squirrels could use to get ahead

My Co-Contributors

Shalini (Both frames; 1st set via Anurag Mishra-ji from the Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand); Shantha (both frames); UdayBaxiji (1st two frames); UdayBaxiji, Shalini & Shashi; Shashi & UdayBaxiji; June, Shalini, FreyaS, & @Vagabond42; June, Vivek & DrManish; Scharada & Shalini; Shashi, Vivek, June, UdayBaxiji & Vee (via Dhanya); Shashi & Vivek; Shashi & Shalini; Shashi & DrManish; Vivek, Shalini & Shashi.

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  #DailyFlowers Time as usual has flown by and we have moved into 2025; winter is here, hopefully moving on and Spring is signaling its entr...

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