Sunday, May 28, 2023

Songs of Praise


Well work finally eased off, but the blog was still delayed as the blogger had to herself play nursemaid. A dumbbell fell in love with my foot, my lil toes almost went kaput. But mercy did shine, wasn't a break to see in the x-ray, and all was fine! Of course, the owies and ouches did for sometime reign, until meds kicked in and smashed the pain.

The blogger was all set to write lines
To raise praise that would fit in so fine
Alas, the work Gods began to frown
And work came tumbling down
It went on for so long
That into sunset vanished the songs
So, here I am ready to try
Hoping rhymes won't have run dry
Here's to creating songs of praise
To cheers that flowers do always raise
There was a one-upping game going on
The Alamanda was by a fire poker set upon
Vivek and Shashi added to the frame
And that set off the whole game

Come summer and the Amaltas is in full flow
In and around Delhi roads it puts on its show
But Amaltas isn't the only queen
Multiple yellows do happily preen
Lavender, violet, whites and blues do in join
Inter-playing narratives they joyfully coin

Reds and oranges always days brighten
Our troubles and worries always lighten
Their brilliance always rules the day
Chases cares, tensions all away
Of course, there's the siren call of Gimme Red!
Sometimes, contributors it has into mischief led
Along with reds the merry pinks do abound
Offer hues at once sublime & profound
Into the medley Tulips were brought
Their delicate beauty is always sought

Lilies, hibiscus & roses
Gems that nature periodically discloses
In gay abandon do they bloom
Offering variegated plume
From near and far do they come
Singing songs, marching to their own drum

The lamppost this time is hobnobbing with flowers
Each on the other beauty gleefully showers
A butterfly has anointed a flower its throne
While alongside white bunches avoid being blown
Common and exotic widen the choice
As we humans in their grandeur rejoice

Another merry bunch in does prance
Its combinations enthrall and romance
Blooms as far as the eye can see
Joyous color waving with glee
Such happiness do they spread
Enliven each day and morn ahead

My Co-Contributors

Ranjona, Suby, Vivek & Shashi; Shantha, Shalini, Shashi & Ranjona; Vivek, Shalini, Shantha & June; Shalini, Shashi & Vivek; Shashi, Shantha & Ranjona; Vivek, Shashi, Gautam & Shalini; Alfonsius, Alka, Bhaskar & Shantha; Vivek, Monica, Shantha & June; June, Shantha, Ranjona & Shashi; Bhaskar, Shantha, Shashi & Vivek; Shashi & Shantha; Vivek, Shashi & Shantha.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Reigning Hues


The hands of the clock move, bringing in day, moving in night and life flows along. Time moves, never stands still and yet sometimes for a mini second it does! Sometimes an absent smile breaks through, at others the eyes still go damp. Fortunately, less and less does the blog post feel like a test, although incomplete is the writing zest. Flowers and their pics offer massive solace, a healing to the heart that moves at its own pace. The mind is at once still & messy. As I type these words I can hear the pressure of the jet spray as it cleans my building which is undergoing repair & renovation work. It makes me realize that humans do also undergo the same, repaired, renovated to shine once again!

 Pinks in all hues & shades do reign
Across flowers they shine again & again
A color known to be gentle & kind
It's also strong, beguiles & calms the mind
Many words of praise for it can be written
Easy to understand why we are with it smitten
Cast your gaze upon these frames
As the pink varietal our thirst tames

 Nature is truly lavendered & pinked
It's as if these two are closely linked
If the Pinks in multiples abound
Violet-lavender-blues can also be found
From across places do these beauties come
Sing, dance, have fun and then one become
With others in this blog post
Cheering us on when we need them most

This post doesn't just feature these two
It also showcases other hues
It is still spring and yellows rule
They are leaders of the season's school
Bursting forth days of sunlight bright
As winter lets go of its might
As the cycle begins anew
And nature shows its majesty true

Whites, creams, and the reddish crew
With the earlier ones come into view
Dazzling creations they truly are
Coming to us from near and far
Each makes us pause, tarry a while
Each is truly versatile
Connections, memories do they bring forth
Each and everyone of the fullest worth

 My Co-Contributors

June, Dr.Manish, Shashi & Kirti; Ketaki, June, Shantha, Shashi, & Vivek; Kirti, Shantha & Shalini; Shalini, Shantha, Sai, Ranjona & Kirti; Shalini, Shantha & Vivek; Shantha, Vivek, Shashi & Monica; Ranjona, Shashi, Shalini, Shantha & Vivek; Ketaki, June & Shashi; Sai, Vivek, Shalini & Shantha; Shashi, Vivek, Shalini, Ranjona & @Silverlightgal; June, Vivek & Shashi; Vivek, Shalini, Shantha, Shashi & Kirti.

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