Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Deep hues, they greet...

Vivek decided to lead today, with a lovely story: We came across this during our morning walk. The missus liked it so the evening she got a surprise gift: A sari of the same color.

Blooms every morning a deep red
A distant signal for the eyes to be led
Plucked by many, offered to the Lord
For showers, blessings and defense of his sword

Corrected by Anjali

From Deepak, come 
Lovely pinks and greens do the morning greet
Set the cheery tones for everyone to meet
Colors vibrant and rich all a-glow
Like a small stream they merrily flow

 My flower comes courtesy a good school friend, Anjali, those were the days...

Is only fair that today's beauty be in line with those before
This beautiful flower tell tales deep and more
Standing upright and true
This is one deep hue

Double Petunias

Is any garden complete without 
 Roses, they do rule our gardens
Beautiful colors & fragrances that mellow our hearts
Speak of friendship, love, 100 emotions and 1000 pardons
True companions to Cupid's darts
 Roses from GG
I have no issue, with quoting the bard

A rose by any other name is just as sweet
Made for people to greet and meet
A flower that holds emotions so profound
So many meanings, they sometimes confound

 From Shinjini
Not to be outdone, Shalini came in with this beautiful trailing display

Draped so neatly, full of blooms
The evergreen Bougainvillea looms
Over gates, fences, riches on display
Amidst its myriad colors nature's creatures play

From ShashiB
A profusion of blooms, such cheery yellows
Do beckon us and hail well met fellows
Our walks they brighten
Our daily stresses lighten


'Tis Time for Roses!

  #DailyFlowers Time as usual has flown by and we have moved into 2025; winter is here, hopefully moving on and Spring is signaling its entr...

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