Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday begins Anew


So yellow decided to take center stage
That's number one for the day
One so expansive its range fills the page
For you to create, design and color as you may 

 Oooh! Beauty, beauty Gods be praised
To their bounty, hallelujah be raised
Blessed is the start to the week
Their mercies and blessings we seek.
 From Deepak

Bunches of pink-red begin the week
For our creative minds they offer leads we seek
Color combinations to set the heart beating
To the morn a wonderful meeting.

 From Vivek
 Offered with love to the Lord
With many a-chanting of his word
Blooms, bright and happy
Looking cheerful, dapper and snappy.

From Shinjini

 A creeper bountiful, green
Climbing walls and terraces is seen
Verdant bright, source of life
It knows nothing of human strife.

 From Shashi

 A flowering bush full with blooms white
Against the verdant green a contrasting sight
See, how they blend, meld and play
Mayhaps, sending some messages our way.

 I came across some really awesome flower rangolis today, they have their own page on the blog, but have linked them here, too

My Co-contributors:

  1. Deepak
  2. Vivek 
  3. Shinjini
  4. Shashi

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