Tuesday began with the inimitable Sai who promptly brought a stunning contrast into play
Sun golden streaked with dark red
Two colors you think would go head to head
But they so beautifully blend
Our faith in nature they do mend
Shashi should have been featured next, but Vivek distracted me...
Violet, heather and a mauve pale
To brighten up paths were brought
Three colors together tell a tale
The wonders of complimenting thought
Shalini comes next with a brilliant splash
Like a 1000 butterflies perched on a tree
These contrasting white-pinks are on a blooming spree
Full well they know the power they hold
Upon you and me as we this sight behold
From Vivek, courtesy his neighbor
Orange splashed on a vibrant yellow
The neighbor sharing flowers is a good fellow
Nature's contrasts do delight
They bring a zing to the sight
Fan shaped petals with vivid pink splashes
Nature's palette never its colors clashes
Two in one with a center green
This flower tells us what diversity and togetherness mean.
From Prithvijit,
Periwinkles are a major delight
The combinations are startlingly bright
In many joyous colors do they abound
All round us they can be found
That we were going to have a contrasting day
Today, she sent in this flower
That hints at a mysterious communication power
Me distract? Nevah