Friday, October 2, 2020

One Flower a Day, Chrysanthemums Today


Yesterday the co-contributors had fun and made it Bougainvillea day; and today it is the day for Mums, Chrysanthemums...

So, Shalini set it off with this 

Chrysanthemums you said
Chrysanthemums I got;
Pretty as you please,
From my parents' lil plot.
Hope the rhymer is pleased,
With the offering from this nacheez

The rhymer, head priestess, wordsmith, bard and what not names that I have been given is indeed pleased 

Ooh, such lovely colors
On such amazing flowers
Do you know they are also called mums
Their beauty that appropriately sums

I have a lovely stash of Chrysanthemums from my cousin and from my own Google Photo stash... But I shared a couple from my cousin first with

Yesterday I mandated today's flower
One that is layered, has many colors and immense power
My cousin pulled out on Thursday
Flowers that remember Mums everyday!

Vivek brought in his 

Mums or roses was the question
Roses was the easy option.
But 'Nacheez' along with a cool rhyme
posted lovely Chrysanthemum
shared by her Dad n Mum
So I dug deep
where memories I keep
Whenever subject is out of syllabus.

A rejoinder for him was on the cards...

It was not out of syllabus
But Vivek very grandly put it thus
Methinks it was worth the effort
The deep pinks bring so much comfort

Shashi took recourse to

I took the easy way out
Searched for Chrysanthemum in my Google Photos
Voila! Sept 28th 2014 at my cousin's house near by.
@GoogleAI  is pretty good.
Have a great Friday.
These cream-yellow Chrysanthemums are fantastic
I was about to go hunt for yellows in my photo basket
Whether you take the easy or the hard way
That's perfectly okay since it just reinforces the flowers' sway
From my photo collection (2013,  Allahabad)
Was a time we had a kerchief-sized lawn
And dew did bless flowers every dawn
Chrysanthemums were in season
To light up a garden, they need no reason
While most delivered as was mandated, we had a couple who went their merry way, Sai came in with beauty 
A bright cheery yellow
Against the dark green is a chirpy fellow
Alone, it rules the plant
Holds us in thrall, although tilted in a downward slant
Nimmy brought in
Yellows seem to today rule the roost
A bright cheery color that always gives us a boost
This one is speckled lightly with a reddish-orange
Against the big green leaves, it brightens the range

My Co-contributors:

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