Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Glorious Pink-infused Riot


 The blogger has gone slightly nuts; the boss said December would be easy, alas it is full of buts... but this must go, but the client is waiting, and the poor blogger, she is a-drifting


Austin in flame
Stepped up the game
Rhymes fled
No time they pled
Courage the blogger did pluck
And then she met Donald Duck
Who seems to be in major luck
Surrounded by blooms
Chasing away the gloom

Shalini did Delhi flee
Into Rajasthan she stepped with glee
Amid lakes, palaces all tinged with pink
Mind at rest, no worries no cause to think
Only to rest, enjoy the days
While nature and gardeners put their skills to play

Shalini and Shashi on different shores
Somehow shared pinks that call for more
One in gay abandon, calls to bikes
Another spruced, framed, filtered gets many likes

Nilima did wildflowers espy
Such lovely shades, oh me oh my
Nature's magnificence growing free
Flowers in the wild on a blooming spree

Two lovely pinks did Vivek bring
But one of them he pranked
Camera filters he did on them swing
While the other he Atletico Madrid fanned 

 His usual beauty Sai brought forth
With the camera's focus increased its worth
Another pink did in stroll
With the pix taker, it's on a roll

Today V brought in an orchard white
It gleams in the morning's light
Teamed with its brilliant greens
It displays its vibrant sheen

Christmas Ahoy
Nature joins in the joy
Meet these lantern-flowers
Allow them to light up the bowers

Vivek did try to beguile
The plant into growing pencils in style
But the flowers mimic pencil shavings
Leave Vivek adrift with his cravings

My Co-Contributors

Shashi, Shalini, Shashi & Shalini, Nilima, Vivek, Sai, Vishnu, Rina and Vivek


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