Thursday, December 31, 2020

Goodbye 2020!


2020 has honestly been a shocker, perhaps one of the worst years on record for the generations currently around. But it is time to bid it adieu, let it and its inherent negativity and nastiness go. In its place let us welcome a year soothing, peaceful, healing, love-filled and one in which humanity regains and reigns. 

 2020, we bid you good bye
You have twisted, turned and dipped us in lye
But you shall not win
Humanity you shall not down pin
We, the people will come through
Rights, freedoms, unity will hold true
We hope the leaders will with sense be blessed
Farmers, students, protestors will not be further stressed
Leaders will lead with humane hearts
There shall be no more attempts to tear nations apart
Each shall shine as only they can
Individuals shall reach for all victories in this span

Much like the purple flower above
We shall behold peace and love
The dove of peace shall fly free
And Unity in diversity shall be a flowering tree

Wishing all my co-contributors and readers of this blog a very happy, prosperous, healthier, filled with time with family and friends and over all a much, much better Year!

Welcome 2021! Be Happy, Healthy & Blessed!

Happy New Year!

Flower Courtesy: Archana's garden!

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