Friday, January 22, 2021

Flowers of Change


Change the wise say is the only constant and change is brought about by the passage of time, which we all know waits for none. And, so it is that the much awaited change in the fortunes of the USA has come about, the Biden-Harris duo has been sworn in and a breath of fresh air wafts through. Healing should be able to begin,  in people, country, state and the impact of Covid. We hope that the healing winds of change will also send some puffs this way and that 2024 will bring healing to our beautiful land, too. But that is still way off in the future... in the meanwhile

Here, on the blog, flowers have stood by constant even as time has passed by, seasons have changed, colors have moved back and forth, but the hope and peace and life that flowers symbolize stands true to the test of even Master/Mistress Time.

We begin with Shashi as he stood with millions of Americans on the cusp of change: It's a very significant day in the US today #DailyFlowers

Beautiful yellows blooming in hope
End of Trump's raves, rants and tropes
Joe & Kamala bring in cheer
The US can heal and move ahead without fear
Happy Regime change! GoUSA!

And today, he was: It's been a great day #DailyFlowers! The world is a better place. 

White and green the harbingers of life
Eternally strong and pure cutting through all strife
Beginnings new, new steps to take
Bring together all, renew pledges, a country anew to make

Red roses bunched with green
Enabling their beauty to better preen
Earth's bounty shared far and wide
Her generosity brings forth a colorful tide

 Folks on my #Twitter are very kind
Asking to borrow their flowers, they don't mind
These beauties to someone's mom belong
But he has allowed me to showcase them for a little song
Many, many thanks to @shenoyn

Well Vivek decided to get all aristocratic at one go: An aristocratic flower coz it has blue blood in its veins; Good morning! And hearkened to Buddha with the other :"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." The Buddha. Good morning. Came across this on one of my old blogs. Re-posted here

Aristocratic flower with blue blood
Must be the ruler of the neighbor-hood
Trust Vivek to royalty in flowers also find
The flower itself looks humble n kind
Kind brings the Buddha to mind
That and finding peace was his lesson for mankind
Flowers are miracles for sure
Drenched with raindrop, they are innocence pure

And as if Buddha and aristocracy weren't enough he went the cacti way: An arrangement of cacti from the Botanical Garden in DC. Good morning!

An arrangement of cacti he did share
All the way from DC, they sailed forth with great care
Covered with thorns, Cacti have a beauty strange
Seen appropriately, their depths go beyond the range

Sai brings in beauties true
Captured in all their resplendent hue
One has to look up all the way up the bark
To meet yellows swaying in the breeze having a lark
Colors awesomely bright, colors dark
They are the major attractions to mark
Pot and flower into each other merge
With detailed petals, bougainvillea does emerge

Shalini played to Vivek's aristocrats: Mine are the common variety, but their beauty is uncommon, like little red butterflies perched on slender stems :)! #good morning #DailyFlowers! PS: Glad to know the wordsmith has recovered, look forward to her rhymes today 

Little red butterflies perched on slender stems
Bougainvillea blooms like precious gems
Whether in earth or in pots
Flowers make for glowing shots

And then she brought in a flowery comic
You get to decide who it mimics
Let your imagination soar
This flower can really roar!

My Co-Contributors

Shashi, Narendra, Vivek, Sai, Shalini

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