Saturday, February 20, 2021

Mid-February Twirls


Oh, well the great traveler that we have has been sending in more pix, this time she really upped the ante. And Vivek obviously added to it. Not to be outdone, Shalini came back with another.

 A plateful of flowers.... #DailyFlowers #goodmorning! Here’s a side dish to the plate.  Good morning! Here's a famous dessert for you all - apricot delight. It was just melt-in-the-mouth yummy!

Decorating the hotel lobby was a plateful of flowers
And then Vivek brought into play a side plate of pink powers
As if that was not enough, Shalini did us decide to tease
With a historical khumani meetha that did the palate please

And if that was not enough, she shared
A pic where bougainvillea in its beauty flared
A pool with its bordering palms
A massive suggestion of calm

And then she to Delhi returned
A historical site with beauty she discerned
A tomb, a bench and flowers...
Together they create memory towers

 The lonely ‘sentinel’ swaying in the wind at our entrance! Good morning! #DailyFlowers

 From pix to video did Vivek turn
A waving glory did he upturn
A strong sentinel at the gate
Standing strong despite all the weight

Arti shared this one. A mall in Paris, circa 2019.  Good morning #DailyFlowers

Vivek not to be left behind
Produced a pix, a one of its kind
Caused our eyes to skyward twirl
As the hanging decoration merrily did whirl

#DailyFlowers can't wait for the spring to take new flower pictures

Shashi hearkened to the times of  farmers' markets
Where could be found colorful flowers in baskets
Spring should be coming around soon
And these wondrous colors would be freely around strewn

And then pulled he out the eternal glory
That is part and parcel of many a story
Deep pink blooms a dozen and more
But they do not keep the score

 Coming from a friend's friend (Dipanwita in Kolkata) with permission to use and share

  Flowers whether growing wild or laid out by us
Teeming colors, varied blooms can fill an entire bus
The garden sparkles and gleams in many hues
As shades and blooms into each other diffuse
Along with pink, white does seem to be Nature's muse
Creamy-whites with pale yellow fuse
To create a sight so pretty
And allow the blogger to create this ditty

Blooms white tinged with pink
With the eyes beauty they link
Full blooms and buds ahoy
Nature's bounty for us to enjoy

A rare bloom comes from my cousin dear
While she is far, her flowers bring her near
A bloom or a flowering leaf
Its magnificence does us there rooted keep

My Co-Contributors

Shalini & Vivek; Shalini; Vivek; Shashi; Dipanwita; Dipanwita & Vishnu; Vishnu; Rachna












































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