Saturday, June 26, 2021

Blessing Havelis Majestic & Gardens Humble


Change they say is a constant, the only constant in life, for change is unchanging and changing, time goes gently or not so by. The working week is done, the weekend is here for some fun! Will there be drives long, will voices lift in song? Will cares and problems fall far behind, as precious blooms encourage a peaceful, calm time. Well, let's see...

Flowers in wondrous colors around us blaze
Even as our minds and eyes do at their sight glaze
Whither did they emerge from we wonder
What vales and hills did they traverse on yonder
What stories could they us tell
If we weren't driven by life's bells
What majesty do they display
If we but sit and watch their play
Do they us humans need
Or are they some fairy steed
Wide, narrow, stout and light,
Delicate petals and filaments take flight
Some on the wind do ride
Others nature's beauty spread far and wide
Do you think they can hear us talking
While we are out running and walking
Standing tall, steadfast without any worry
Offering a contrast to our rush and hurry

From havelis majestic to gardens humble
Flowers do everywhere like to tumble
They grow in bunches, swathes and swatches
Brighten environs and sparkle like gemstone batches

Flowers in full blooming flush
In colors bright and beautiful they blush
Spreading cheer and light all around
No end to the beauty that us does surround

My Co-Contributors

Alka, Rachna, Shalini, Sai & Gautam; Shashi, Rachna, Vivek & Vishnu (aka Vee); Suki, LadyDramadragon, Deepak & Vivek; Sai, Vivek, Vishnu,  Rachna, & Shashi; Deepak, Shalini, Rachna, June & Vishnu; Deepak, Dreamer 2.0, Vishnu & Monica; Rachna, Shashi, Shinjini, Deepak & Dreamer 2.0; Shashi, Freda Aunty & June; Shashi & Rachna.

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