Saturday, June 5, 2021

Dancing, Twirling, Colors are Blooming


I had thought a mid-week post would be doable, but, no, it wasn't to be so. In the headlong rush to put out a study we discovered an entire region had been missed and therefore burnt the candle at both ends to get it done. That of course meant that rich blooms went on the back-burner. But, now 'tis their turn and they are ready, are you?

Ready, steady, get set and go
Multiple flowers put on a delightful show
They pose, dance, preen and twirl
Pollen grains, stamens, petals all do in whirl

Whether on branches, bushes or sketched by human hands
Rich blooms our full attention command
Colors by nature or a painter filled
Locked in, captured but never stilled

The hibiscus made a fresh appearance
You have to admire its perseverance
From a single color, simple lines and design
To myriad hues, shades, layers, stripes they all shine

Midweek came a birthday
And more flowers were sent to play
Carried wishes for a wonderful time
Greetings and regards fell into line
Vivek joined in with a hibiscus dear
This wicked blogger added it to the collection up there

The Pompom its glory on us burst
Must say of its kind it's the first
That I have seen, as with others it does preen
These blooms are anything but routine

Yellows, whites, pinks and lilies are out for a showing
Look how happy they are and fully glowing
Friends have faced losses hard
Flowers are nature's soothing bard

The Amaltas does merrily bloom
One in Jammu, the other in Dehradun
Perched upon blooms of yet another kind
The combined pix is a salve for tired minds

Roses always brighten the day
Theirs is a graciousness come to stay
With warmth & colors galore
They always leave us asking for more

A heartfelt thanks for all the wishes did come
Mala's sister sent across blooms colorful & then some
Flowers are used in so many ways
They make for glorious birthday displays

Not just plants and bushes laden with flowers
Trees tall and high also join the colorful showers
Glorious lavenders, purples and whites
Cascade merrily to our eternal delight

Neighborhood and wildflowers did Shashi encompass
Playfully posed across did they paint a merry canvas
Vivid pinks, yellows, oranges and combinations abound
Nature's palette is displayed all around

My Co-Contributors

Deepak, Nilima & Dreamer 2.0; Nilima M; Deepak, Nimmy & HippyMallu; Vee, Vivek, Devlina & Rachna; Deepak, Shalini & Vee; Vivek, Rachna, Dreamer 2.0 & Nilima; Shashi, Dreamer 2.0 & Charles; Vivek, Rachna, Dreamer 2.0 & Charles; Ranjona & Shaily; Vivek & Shalini (via UdayBaxi); Nilima; Mala & her sis; Shashi, Aradhana, HippyMallu, Deepak & Ranjona; Shashi


  1. How eagerly I wait to read your well worded write up . It transports me to a beautiful world ,laden with flowers in different hues I try to remember the fragrance and feel of the ones I know, and wonder about those I have not seen..... its a beautiful experience I cherish!

  2. Thanks Alka, must say I have great fun in stringing letters and words together! For me it is a de-stressor!


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