Friday, July 23, 2021

Of Spice and Blooms Nice


 Ah, well, at last the eye allergy has eased and I can see the screen without waterfalls obscuring it. Life is strange! Nay, cancel that! Life's inhabitants are strange! There's a saying, power corrupts and its corollary is absolute power corrupts absolutely! Well, that showed up on the TL and everywhere else this week. With governments spying and being spied on, with trust going a-begging, with ragging/stalking coming to the fore. Wonder what world we live in.

Pegasus, of mythology came into light
But his coming was not too bright
The dark he brought
Secrets he sought
Mayhem he wrought
But he wasn't like this
A guardian he was meant to be
As a thief human hands set him free
To snoop, scoop and pry
Chats, data, connections to fry
Put them in the trackers bowl
Rent asunder things that were whole
Woe, 'tis a govt that doesn't trust
Upon unsuspecting citizens a look-eye thrust
What all does this dispensation fear
What sent it on the horrendous tear
Mayhaps, this is the 2nd coming
Time forecasters said was beckoning
When earth would upon itself turn
Change, change, burn and churn
In all this change stand some steadfast
Their resplendent colors offer a repast
A soothing to the tired mind
A calm that with the wind does chime
Flowers to the torments  rescue
In amazing, unbelievable hues

White, with the power to calm
To offer souls a cooling balm
Comes in sizes, shapes divine
Each one stands at the head of its line

Tridax procumbens-Coat button-Tridax daisy-कानफुली/पत्थरफोड़/संजीवनी

Tabernaemontana divericata-Crepe Jasmine-दूधमोंगरा

The Intrepid explorer set off again
This time to enjoy Goa in the rain
Visited a garden full of spice
Brought a bloom so uncommon and very nice

There's something special about birthdays
Especially Mom and Dad's special days
One such came round last week
With two beautiful pix, we did into his life peek
Greetings for him did in pour
Even as frangipani and Ms. Blue evened the score

And a certain someone said Gimme Red!
That cry through the group did spread
Gorgeousness came out to mingle
Even as the old jingle did memories tingle

Shashi went to WV via country roads
Blooms he brought forth in loads
Purple and lavender joined the ride
Together forming a colorful tide

There's something special about the yellows
It is not just that they make the atmosphere mellow
They enliven every space
Full of aplomb, dance with grace
Lady Pink and White do participate
Flowers of all hues like to congregate

Honeybees on Yellow Gaillardia-पीली गैलार्डिया पर मधुमक्खियाँ &
Sphagneticola trilobata-Singapore Daisy-Creeping ox-eye-Yellow dots-wadelia-सिंगापुर डेज़ी

Wonderful gems he does daily bring
The timeline he sets to merrily sing
Whither from does he these beauties find
In sharing knowledge, spreading cheer, he is too kind
Many a name I have learned
Different varieties easily discerned
Blessed we were when he joined us all
His shares stand up vibrant and tall

Hamelia patens-Red head-Fire bush-Hummingbird Bush-हमेलिया
Gaillardia artistata -Great blanket flower-गैलार्डिया  &
Gaillardia Fanfare Blaze-Blanket flowers-गैलार्डिया

My Co-Contributors

June, Mahesh & Vee; Deepak &Vivek; Shashi;  UdayBaxi2, Vee, Shalini & Suki; UdayBaxi3, Deepak & Vivek; Shalini; Shalini & Vivek; Vivek & HippyMallu; Shalini & Shashi; Shashi, Subytweets & Suki; UdayBaxi3; Suki, Monica, Rachna & Ranjona; the last two sets: UdayBaxi3

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