Saturday, July 3, 2021

Swirling Palettes


  Sometimes it's a blip, sometimes a blop
Sometimes a skip, sometimes a hop
That's life for you
In many a shade, color and hue
Up to you, what you make of it
Whether it's a hit, or a flit
Whether here or there
Just everywhere and somewhere
You laugh, cry, giggle or grin
Take what life doles out on the chin
Saluting it with a whisky, vodka, rum or gin
Time flies by in the blink of an eye
Sometimes rushed, sometimes it does you tie
In the hurry-flurry of living
Do you note the universe giving

The universe plays with colors with gay abandon; doesn't really apportion them out, it just splays them all across for us to view and wonder how such majesty was created

The heavenly painter his colors just swirled
Spreading them around as he merrily twirled
Blues, magenta's, red-pinks he did around throw
As you can see they put on a merry show

 It seems as if Deepak has taken to hanging on balconies
As he brings to the fore images that should rest in galleries
Lovely deep oranges and yellows do merrily mingle
While Monica sends in a plant that on the wall hangs its shingle
And not to be left behind
Vee brings in a video divine

Pinks are in season

They never need a reason

They are a hue happy
Their presence sure does make pix snappy 
With others they do well blend 
Into unknown harmonies meld 
Singing songs full of praise 
Flowery voices to nature they raise

Flowers, tiny, small or big
In many colors dancing a jig
Cheer they do carry around
Wherever you looks blooms can be found
On walks and ambles, they do sprout
With so much power that they can al rout
Ills, cares against them flee
As they dance to breezes in full glee

They demand attention
Get many a mention
Are bright with massive might
Burns through the dark like a blaze of light
Sings of love, of daring and caring
Comes to the fore whenever there's a pairing
Jatropha integerrima/Peregrina/रतनजोत (left and right pix)

Bunches of yellow-gold  in the wind do sway
Majesty of Amaltas is on full display
What must Nature be thinking
As on these blooms we gaze unblinking
Full many a summer is enlivened
Scorching days brightened

A small bloom poised to swallow a palm
And the sky behind them is so calm
As if it knows something we do not
That this framing is kinda hot
Alongside still waters around an island roll
Flowers it seems are out for a stroll
Captured by the photographer's lens
They chase away worries, leave us less tense

My Co-Contributors

Sai & Mahesh; Deepak, Monica and Vishnu (aka, Vee); Shashi, Rachna & Mahesh; Monica, Shashi, & Shalini; Devlina, Rachna, Shashi, Monica & Mahesh; Makrand & Rachna; UdayBaxi3 & Shalini; Shashi, Vishnu (aka Vee) & Mahesh; UdayBaxi3; Vivek



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