Saturday, August 28, 2021

Beautiful Blooms Lazy Rhymes


The blogger has had a strange week. No sooner did rhymes, descriptions start to fall in place in mind, the Gods of All things decided to turn things topsy-turvy! If it wasn't one thing, it was the other. Into the cauldron add, a badly spasming back, a trigger shoulder fascia,  a small tumble for mom and the resultant need to get her back on her feet quick! Which was accomplished but did no favors to back & shoulder. I finally decided Saturday morning was D-Day, but the local fire chief had other ideas

The blogger was ready for a relaxed breakfast
After which she would offer the readers a repast
But the local fire chief had other notions
In the complex, put he a fire drill into motion
Saturday early morning, our presence was sought
As the local fire team ran a drill to show how fire's fought
Full two hours observing that drill we spent
Towards fire fighting steps our brains were bent
Rhymes, stanzas, verses into the void vamoosed
All eyes were on the forklift's caboose
The red and yellow did seem to say
All eyes only my way!

 Well, after that was done, the blogger sat down to rhyme, but regular housework snatched her time, so in the evening doth she sit, hoping they will be no more hits. Flowers are arranged, the lines need to fall in place and another post needs to fill its designed space. 

Freda aunty sent in some truly wondrous gems
They grace their spaces heads bobbing on stems
Reds, pinks, yellows, blues bloomed in abandon gay
Rulers of all they could see and survey

Nature it seems has many stories to tell
Through her varied colors she does it so well
Whether it be pinks hanging on the wall
Or that amazing fuchsia standing tall
Whether petals be arranged on a plate or on the ground
Her magnificence all around us does abound

Whites and pinks a fondness for each other hold
Two colors at once shy and yet so bold
Laying close to earth or reaching for the sky
These two teach us our energies to rightly apply

Nature's colors are truly glorious
They make her play seem effortless and not laborious
But did you ever stop and think
We see them and then we blink
Images absorbed and then lost
Do we even understand their cost

Udayji continues with his merry shares
Giving their names he shows us how much he cares
Day after day, beauties shine brightly
Their structures, rhythms seem so sprightly
Would that we could their spirit imbibe
No other pill would any doctor need to prescribe

Ophiopogon jaburan/SnakeBeard/Whitelilyturf/AztecGrass
& Prosopis Juliflora

My Co-Contributors

Freda Aunty & Rachna; Freda Aunty; Shalini (Via Rina) Freda Aunty, June & Sai; Shashi & Vivek; Vivek & Rachna; Uday Baxi; Uday Baxi & Shashi

Friday, August 20, 2021

Blooms so Sublime


This last week has been eye-opening and a shocker to boot. Not on the personal front, but in events happening around the world. There's a saying... going out not with a bang, but a whimper! Seemed true of Afghanistan. Slowly, but surely, it fell, bringing in fears (rightly so) of fundamentalist/extremist control and a closing up of society! And, then my city has been rained in this whole week, not so much that roads are flooded, but enough that I wish to see the sun for at least one whole day. It's muggy, grey, wet, damp and worst of all, my evening walks are not happening! They offer a wonderful break after a hard day's work and I get great pleasure in watching various plants bloom, new buds show up everyday, new varieties flourish. But then, the contributors to this blog keep the ball running and they deserve their tributes, don't they.

Bright pink, orange, yellow portulaca in make their way
From Udayji & Rachna come beautiful displays
To tell the truth, isn't a varietal I really like
But their colors do the day's vibrancy spike

Give me flowers, I will give you rhymes
For blooms that are so sublime
That sing songs and do in chime
With melodies that we hear sometimes
Flowers, they sing loud and true
Blessing us with varied hues

Up next are delicate creams, yellows & whites
In combination with others they offer delights
Bold, tall, beautiful, epitomizing grace
Their very presence lighting up every place

 Roses in plenty are still sticking around
To traditional seasons they are not this time bound
The honeybee does them especially adore
Landing gently, it is all set the bloom to explore

Brilliant yellows contrasted with a magenta-maroon
Offering yet another chance with nature to commune
Galphimia Glauca and Indian Ginger Head
Make for an interesting spread

 Deep vivid tones with the gentle do contrast
Offer up yet another stunning repast
Ageratum Houstonianum
A complicated name and then some
With others to greet us has come


New pix of the same species & same tree, different flower
More such blooms did Vivek & Shashi on us shower
Ixora, hollyhock, adenium did also join the game
And all blended beautifully in one happy frame

My Co-Contributors

UdayBaxi & Rachna; Vivek, Deepak & Sai; Vivek & Shashi; Shashi, Shalini, Mahesh & Sai; Shalini, Deepak & June;  UdayBaxi, Shashi & Vivek; UdayBaxi & Shalini; UdayBaxi, Deepak & Vivek; Shashi, Vivek, UdayBaxi & Shalini;


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Beauties Known & Unknown


Would you believe, a full year's been completed at the new workplace and it is growing on me (hopefully, me on them). Which also means this blog is a year+-old now and see how it has grown/expanded. That is what happens when you get busy and enjoy what is happening despite the external's world's limitations on you. Is it then time to look back and analyze/assess. I would say not yet! We have yet to totally conquer the virus and its many variations, truly get rid of communal striations. Set forth once again on the path to progress, but mercy me for I digress. This blog is meant to talk of flowers, of the multiple blessings they do shower, of the radiance they bring to our lives...

Who would have thought we'd see Roses in the Indian Summer
Is nature marching to the beat of an alternate drummer
Colors vibrant, rich and shining
May make it seem as if I am whining
But, nay, I wonder how come we are so blessed
Who defined how bushes are to be dressed
Beauty, its reign doesn't in hold
It scatters it far and wide for us to behold

Ah, the lilies, they are so not silly
Are at once fiery and bright like the chilly
Standing tall or blooming small
Capturing hearts of one and all

Is that a storm in the perfect T-Cup
Radiant flowers take it a notch up
Flowers filling the air with cheer
Salutations to the near and dear

This year am seeing more of whites
That said, the color does delight
Specially, while the rain does on them patter
And the blooms set up a full natter
A hat-tip to the blog was it?
A reminder that the blogger should sit
Coin verses and rhymes to define
Nature's divine design!

Like vignettes telling a tale
Colors resplendent on their own scale
Closer to ground and rising up to the gables
These glories discard all labels

Majesty lies also in leaves and seeds
For they are the true steeds
That signal rebirth, rejuvenation and more
Ensure propagation by the score

Blues-purples-pinks-yellows are at hand
Tall and proud the hues are grand
Blooms, delicate, full in bunches galore
My heart sings even as it more wants to explore

What do I say for these cheery fellows!
Fountains of laughter, smile and cheer
Their very presence charms the eternal sphere

Bitter-gourd yellows & Canna orange-yellows do sing
Of strange camaraderie that together does string
In songs and melodies hitherto unsung, unheard
Tales do not necessarily begin with the written word 

Flax-leaf flea bean and the Shrimp plant
Curious names that to us grant
A sneak peek into their world
Where shades, hues, shapes have whirled
Tumbled, stood, shot up and grown
Into beauties known and unknown!

My Co-Contributors

UdayBaxi, Karthik & Sai; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi, Shashi & Vivek; HippyMallu, Shalini & Rachna; Shalini, HippyMallu, June, Archana J & Rachna; June, Shalini & Shashi; Shashi, UdayBaxi, Vivek & Rachna; Sai, UdayBaxi (WhiteJungle Flame), Vivek & Vee; Sai, Shalini & Rina; UdayBaxi (Prairie Verbena) & Vivek & Sai;  UdayBaxi (Common Crape Myrtle), Vivek & Vee; Shalini, Deepak, Sai & Shashi; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi, Deepak & Shashi.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Decoding Blooms & Rhymes


Time's just flown by, where it went, how it went, I don't know. But I do know of trying to grasp onto minutes to complete tasks! We take so much for granted and it is only brought home to us when we meet others who may not have had the advantages we did. Teaching people to think in English and to use formal business English in their report writing is a toughie! At the back of the mind, was this niggle that a post had to go up, but after long sessions on the above my brain refused to work. A slightly rejuvenated brain over the weekend and this what came forth...

Flowers of veges and fruits do a story tell
As they merrily grow in the dell
Admire us, for we are strong
With us you can never go wrong

Nature's many mysteries lie untold
Her gems slowly themselves unfold
Tell their stories to us everyday
'Tis for us to decode them all the way

Yellows are really bold
Truly, the sun's gold
Lighting up all spaces
Flying us to distant places

At once nature's warriors and life's reminders
Time moves on, while blooms act as binders
To that one moment, when the bloom is perfection
A gorgeous selection making for a heady decoction

Roses always give joy
Their blooming is for us to enjoy
Colors light, gracious and bold
Precious treasure to keep and hold

Colors gentle, blooms bright
All set forth in the morning's light
Coming from places far and wide
Each unique and deserving of pride

My Co-Contributors

Mahesh &Suki; Alka, HippyMallu, Shalini & AdityadickySingh; Freda Aunty, HippyMallu, Alka & Rachna; UdayBaxi (Senna siamea, Iron-wood cassia/Siamese senna/कसोद), Subytweets, AdityadickySingh & MiraNaik; Mala (both); Shashi, Vivek & UdayBaxi; Rachna, Alka, Vivek & Shalini

Monday, August 2, 2021

Higher Hibiscus Harmonies


Time for another post to go up and we feature once again one of the more popular flowers, that bloom everywhere and in a wide varietal from the parent genus. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, aka, China Rose, aka its many varietal names. Colors known and unknown, common and lesser seen, spidery, double layered and more. 

As a little girl this flower I met
A plant full of buds and blooms
Against the bamboo fence reds were set
Leaping towards the sky as far as it could get
Anon, came ladies not too old
With a move so sneaky yet so bold
The flower vanished from the stem
Said I to my Dad, stop them, stop them!
My Dad, he shook his head
Drawing me to one side he said
The flower goes as offering to the Divine
Few flowers have this opportunity sublime
A child I was, I did not agree
That somebody should loot my blooming tree
Set I the guard to keep his eagle eye
Allow the reds to climb to the sky
Months flew by and in came the Goddess
Went I to put my claim and seek redress
The old priest was erudite and learned
He knew my plaint was not to be scorned
He told me Jaba was the queen
Without it the Goddess couldn't be seen
More than jewels, gems and gold
The hibiscus did the Goddess dear hold
With blessings did she them return
It needed a open heart to discern
Abundance, goodness and joy that she sent
Allowed our energies to be well spent
I met it again years later
Such was the goodness of its creator
My cousin's garden it did grace
Like a sentinel, near the gate it held its place

Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis/China Rose/Jaba

I was in class 9 when  I met it again
A flower gave up its life for us to knowledge gain
The botany teacher identified its various parts
Then she made us take it all apart!
Stamen, pistil, pollen, filament, anther, sepal, petal
Terms that we needed to in our brains settle
She said, I need the flower and its parts sketched
Properly outlined, its inner workings duly etched
The petal was flattened on paper
A light pencil dancing around it was the shaper
Much respect did we for this lil bloom achieve
Not just a beauty, in cross-pollinating  its role we did perceive

Well, this group's co-contributors are a great lot, if you didn't know that already! They sometimes do my work for me, here is a beautiful verse by Shalini; Sai jumped in with his take, and i was left to respond:

Hibiscus you asked,
Hibiscus I got.
And the bonus?
Look at the spot!
It's verdant and green
With the Lord within
Tambdisurla is the place
Went to great lengths to explain
A flower for #DailyFlowers
As this is a group that showers
Blessings through pictures
Without strictures :)

 Praises ain't enough
For the lines woven
Into a tapestry
That was sewn
For the heavens

 The poet has spoken
What more should be said
Offerings to the lord have been made
Blessings recd. Wishes don't need to be read

Pinks, they always delight
With their many hues, are a calming sight
As with other flowers, they to tend to dominate
What kind of nature's design is this we are left to ruminate

Hibiscus comes from far and wide
On its unique harmony it does ride
Colors rich, colors soothing
Their presence leaves no chance for brooding
But a question to mind does come
Wherewithal the need to play with nature's rule of thumb
Dissatisfied with colors already present
Grafting is used to create hues more effervescent
Why this overwhelming need to tinker with nature
Do we think our improvisations are major
A degree of beauty and awe does spring
As nature allows us to cut into her swing

But it is the glorious original red
That turns all our heads
Whether sprouting on a bush
Against the wall, growing in a rush
A bud and bloom-laden tree
Setting off an elemental red spree
Add into it a peach delicate
Thin filament-like petals make us hesitate
We would like to touch and feel
To convince ourselves they are real
The Hibiscus is truly majestic
Its power almost magnetic
It glues us to its side
For overarching beauty it is a guide


My Co-Contributors

Alka (via her daughter Tanvi), BinaDi, & Shalini; Anjali, Shalini & Vivek; Shalini & Sai; UdayBaxi, Rachna & Vee; Vivek, Anjali & UdayBaxi; Anjali, UdayBaxi, June, Kuku Aunty & PoeticGooner; Sai, UdayBaxi, Anjali & Kuku Aunty; Anjali, Shinjini & UdayBaxi; Sai, Shashi & Shinji

'Tis Time for Roses!

  #DailyFlowers Time as usual has flown by and we have moved into 2025; winter is here, hopefully moving on and Spring is signaling its entr...

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