Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Beauties Known & Unknown


Would you believe, a full year's been completed at the new workplace and it is growing on me (hopefully, me on them). Which also means this blog is a year+-old now and see how it has grown/expanded. That is what happens when you get busy and enjoy what is happening despite the external's world's limitations on you. Is it then time to look back and analyze/assess. I would say not yet! We have yet to totally conquer the virus and its many variations, truly get rid of communal striations. Set forth once again on the path to progress, but mercy me for I digress. This blog is meant to talk of flowers, of the multiple blessings they do shower, of the radiance they bring to our lives...

Who would have thought we'd see Roses in the Indian Summer
Is nature marching to the beat of an alternate drummer
Colors vibrant, rich and shining
May make it seem as if I am whining
But, nay, I wonder how come we are so blessed
Who defined how bushes are to be dressed
Beauty, its reign doesn't in hold
It scatters it far and wide for us to behold

Ah, the lilies, they are so not silly
Are at once fiery and bright like the chilly
Standing tall or blooming small
Capturing hearts of one and all

Is that a storm in the perfect T-Cup
Radiant flowers take it a notch up
Flowers filling the air with cheer
Salutations to the near and dear

This year am seeing more of whites
That said, the color does delight
Specially, while the rain does on them patter
And the blooms set up a full natter
A hat-tip to the blog was it?
A reminder that the blogger should sit
Coin verses and rhymes to define
Nature's divine design!

Like vignettes telling a tale
Colors resplendent on their own scale
Closer to ground and rising up to the gables
These glories discard all labels

Majesty lies also in leaves and seeds
For they are the true steeds
That signal rebirth, rejuvenation and more
Ensure propagation by the score

Blues-purples-pinks-yellows are at hand
Tall and proud the hues are grand
Blooms, delicate, full in bunches galore
My heart sings even as it more wants to explore

What do I say for these cheery fellows!
Fountains of laughter, smile and cheer
Their very presence charms the eternal sphere

Bitter-gourd yellows & Canna orange-yellows do sing
Of strange camaraderie that together does string
In songs and melodies hitherto unsung, unheard
Tales do not necessarily begin with the written word 

Flax-leaf flea bean and the Shrimp plant
Curious names that to us grant
A sneak peek into their world
Where shades, hues, shapes have whirled
Tumbled, stood, shot up and grown
Into beauties known and unknown!

My Co-Contributors

UdayBaxi, Karthik & Sai; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi, Shashi & Vivek; HippyMallu, Shalini & Rachna; Shalini, HippyMallu, June, Archana J & Rachna; June, Shalini & Shashi; Shashi, UdayBaxi, Vivek & Rachna; Sai, UdayBaxi (WhiteJungle Flame), Vivek & Vee; Sai, Shalini & Rina; UdayBaxi (Prairie Verbena) & Vivek & Sai;  UdayBaxi (Common Crape Myrtle), Vivek & Vee; Shalini, Deepak, Sai & Shashi; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi, Deepak & Shashi.


  1. Most endearing pictures and prose
    Brings me closer to the rose;
    I lie around summer in wait
    Wishing for this lovely gait.
    Best of luck at the new job;
    hopefully you will well hobknob..

  2. Thanks a ton, Hina!
    Loved the lil poem...

  3. Thanks, Shashi! Hoping the years go strong and stronger!

  4. Kirti...
    That was really good...
    Thank you


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