Sunday, October 3, 2021

Goodbye September! Welcome October!


 September is done and gone and in comes October again. Similarly, seasons flow through their cycles, Spring, summer, autumn/fall's round the corner again! Yet flowers are holding strong, with hues that delight, sparkle, set everything alight with freshness, spontaneity and cheer!  The UK got some visitors, Shalini finally did make it there and my sis and brother-in-law also got across (after some 5/7 Covid tests and what not). Obviously, pix from the UK have come in, Shalini's daughter Ria seems to have also joined! Welcome! 

We begin today with a cheery fellow...

Yellows in multiple hues abound
Their glory bursts on the air around
Raindrop brushed or trumpets in a bunch
These blooms pack quite a punch
Whether from home gardens or from parks
Blooms glorious that always hit the mark

The plethora of whites
Is an overwhelming delight
From  ivy gourd to tuber-rose to bouquet bridal
The variety offers an astonishing recital
Pairs, quads, lined up on a vine
These whites truly define divine

Polianthes tuberosa-Tuberose-रजनीगन्धा &
Coccinia grandis-Ivy gourd-कुंन्द्रू &
Plumeria-pudica-Bridal bouquet-नाग चंपा

To the UK visitors did go
Obviously the blooms put on a quite a show
New Westminster, Christchurch college did their parts play
Some flowering power they did display
Flower-draped doorways and rose filled hedges
Flowers lining the Fraser River's edges

Not content with the #DailyFlowers tag
Contributors decided their shares to flag
with #MerePaasHai and it went on a run
Shashi, Shalini & Vivek and others i daresay had some fun
One had roses still a-bloom, temple flowers sharing their plumes
Yet another had papa's balcony, while a cousin came to the third's rescue
But, dare I say, I am the winner of all
After-all, all shares into my blog do fall

An abundance of color fills Shashi's backyard
Rich blooms form the season's vanguard
And yet does Shashi with his camera wander
Bring us rich colors, from hither, thither & yonder
And then he adds pretty captions
Wonders from Udayji also have traction
Increasing the frames' attractions

New names we learn everyday
Things we knew perhaps, but never this way
Carica papaya-Melon tree in one?
In joins the Pongam tree to increase the fun

Carica papaya-Melon tree-Paw paw-Papaya-पपीता &
Pongamia pinnata-Indian beech tree-Pongam tree-करंज

Nature's beauty knows no end
She effortlessly does shades blend
Can anyone out-paint the painter
Nature's palette has no container
She doesn't restrict her beauty to blooms
Brightly colored leaves that she grooms
Raindrops do her creations grace
And they in turn them happily embrace
On beauty there are no curbs
Vibrant color makes for wondrous blurbs

My Co-Contributors

@Subytweets, Deepak, Shalini, Shashi, & Vee; UdayBaxi; Richard, Shalini & Ria; Shashi, Shalini, Ria & Vivek; Shashi; Shashi; Shashi & UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi; Deepak, UdayBaxi, Shashi, Shalini, &@Arjunjith5; @Subytweets, Vee, Shashi, & Deepak; Deepak, Vee & UdayBaxi


  1. This one's for the Fall..

    "Come, little leaves," said the Wind one day,
    "Come to the meadows with me and play.
    Put on your dresses of red and gold;
    For Summer is past, and the days grow cold.”
    George Cooper


Colors Bright

  #DailyFlowers Temperatures are on the rise That means in come summer supplies Needing to go out is sheer torture The sun is a complete sco...

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