Sunday, January 23, 2022

Shiny Colors, Joyful Blooms


 And, January marches to its close, but not without creating a few upsets, without ruffling a few feathers! But then, what would be life if it were to be total smooth sailing all through! We would be bored. Mumbai decided the sun should take a holiday and grey should be the sky. Of course, a nice near-chilly breeze dominated the whole day. Temps are low and slated to drop further (no competition here with real winter places, but when your average daily temp that hovers in the 30s dips to 22 and below, yea, it's cold). India marches towards its 73rd Republic Day and it is fraught with tensions that ideally shouldn't have been there, but...

And, one of our regular contributors has taken a hiatus from SM, so she will be missing from here and we miss her.

But then there came these snazzy blues
An absolute array in that wide hue
Pansies and violas came home to roost
Giving all of us and our emotions a massive boost

And if the blues weren't enough
Out marched Dahlia in Pink-pink stuff
Orange-yellow centers did them enliven
Like the morning sun on the horizon

And even more pinks came to the fore
Dahlias, Bougainvillea, roses, Euphorbia upped the score
Udayji's office bouquet added its charm
Shining blooms fresh off the farm

 Not content, some more blooms joined the dance
In multiple colors they did advance
Their frame they did joyously grace
Added massive cheer to the blogger's space
A peach blossom took its rightful place
Hiway's farm it did embrace

Deep hues of purple also reigned supreme
Across gardens they seemed to be one team
Office, gardens, homes did shine
A spectrum of purple fell in line

Whether from far or near
Flowers Shashi does hold dear
June adds cheery yellows in
Flowers are here for the win

 Nasturtium and Ajave Americana are here
Beautiful pix has Udayji shared
Oranges and pale green yellows
Put up a show lilting and mellow

 My Co-Contributors

Freya Snowball; UdayBaxi; Alka, Kirti, Vivek, @Subytweets, & UdayBaxi; Kirti, Vivek, @Subytweets, @Hiway & Vee; Rachna, Kakul, Vivek & UdayBaxi; Shashi & June; UdayBaxi


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