Sunday, February 20, 2022

Roses & Tulips do Reign!


Ah, well! Here we are again! Time for another post. Whether it will be long or short, I don't really know, for sometimes flowers dictate their own flow. Things are opening up, restrictions easing off and movement increasing. Which also means that traffic is back on the roads and bottlenecks/wait times are slowly becoming the norm. Truth be told, restless am I; small weekly town-ward trips give me my needed high... but more of that later...

This past week, we have been deluged with flowers, specifically two beauties. Udayji started a trend and have to say, more or less carried it himself; then Shalini jumped in with another one and the prolific contributor that he is Udayji added on. 

One fine day, Udayji claimed for the roses
Churned them out he did in various poses
Vee and Vivek added their beauties divine
And newer frames had to be designed
Whites, pinks,  yellows, crimsons,
All did merrily share their individual opinions

As if the roses brigade wasn't enough
Shalini brought in more enchanting stuff
Visiting Delhi's Tulip-laden roundabouts
She became the blog's camera-totting lookout
Udayji wasn't about to be left out
Some more Tulip pix did he route
Shashi and Vivek joined the game
Other flowers also wanted their share of the fame
Amaryllis, California Poppy and more gems
Ria, Shantha, and Dreamer with bloom-loaded stems

Left over are still flowers more,
But Tulips and Roses deserve their own score
The others will soon find their way here
But for today, above's the fare!

My Co-Contributors

Roses: UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi, Vivek & Vee; UdayBaxi.
Tulips: Shalini & UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi; Shashi, Shalini & UdayBaxi;
Amaryllis, California Poppy & more gems: Karthik, Shantha, Ria (Via Shalini), Dreamer2.0, Shashi & Vivek

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