Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Whitey the Mighty


 So, things have been moving at a snail's pace, but not the summer heat! That's blazing through. Each year, summer gets hotter and hotter and now we are told a major heatwave can be expected in May across Pakistan and Indian plains. I happened to step out on Sunday for some work, came back absolutely wrung out. Yea, there's the mercy of the air conditioner at night (for sometime at least, all night AC causes me issues with my game knee)... but life goes on. Oh, yes, kinda regretted not having my phone in my hand, when I spotted a black kitten curled up under a shady fern. And from thereon to the Mighty Whitey

 So, we have a tale of Whitey the mighty
Breaker of vases and flower pots
But  by the family still loved lots
And friends who pipe in to say
That family's love, by the way
Is why he is so hoity-toity
Now the rhyme's been made
Between them Shalini & Vivek laid
Tales of Whitey with blooms
Both verily disrupt the gloom
Also, wine tasting  did Vivek & his wife go
So, a lily and frangipani joined the show

 There came tulips galore
 Amsterdam and New Jersey upped the score
In hues multiple, row upon row
Alternates of red & white formed a unique flow

A vibrant splash across the green
Fuchsia reigned like a queen
Tibouchina added its purple glory
A lavender unknown and sadabahar built up the story

A blazing red blazed its way
Tall palms did gently sway
Yellows added to the charm
While the Rangoon creeper did gently disarm

Bottlebrush, anemone, New Zealand sunsets did jive
Delicate pinks and dainty yellows did arrive
Together, melodies they did share
Lit up the day/week with stupendous fare

A creeper made its way up the pole
White hyacinths did Shantha's walk control
Flowers did greet Shashi in hotels
Lavender pinks chimed in with their yodels

Delicate bunches ruled the roost
Light blues, red-creams did the frame boost
Gems as usual did Udayji bring
Lovely hues did to the front spring

On the seashore, a beautiful sunset
Along with waves some gossamer skeins were met
Nature's beauty has me astounded
In troubling times, keeps me grounded

Along came a profusion of red & pinks
Flowers  creep through all chinks
Connections that do delight
Emotions they do set alight

My Co-Contributors

Shalini & Vivek; Shalini (via Mom's cousin, Anju) & Vivek (via daughter Arti); Shashi, Karthik, Shantha & Shalini; UdayBaxiji, Shalini & Shashi; Shantha, Shashi & Shalini (Via Sucheta); Vivek, Shantha, Shashi & Gautam; UdayBaxiji; Vee, Gautam & Devlina

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