Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Verily, it's the Lily!


The blogger is an editor professionally and is absolutely snowed under and exhausted. The last thing she wants to do is put fingers to the keyboard, but alas the blog demands obedience, loyalty and updates. A tired mind might produce tired rhymes so I apologize in advance for any/all mistakes & shortcomings. It is hot, high summer in India, but a couple of places the rain sneaked in and along with the earth, its denizens, flowers rejoiced. Also, Shalini bought a new phone, experimented with its camera on the ever-loved, always-talked about lily and set forth a round of lines/repartee. 

Shalini kicked off with:
Silly lily
Flowering at a drop
Of rain in this heat
And feeling neat
Caused a neat riposte from her hubby:
I'm dead beat,
To see this lily cheat,
While I to heaven bleat,
Against the Heat, the Heat, the Wretched Heat!!
The blogger chimed in with:
This wretched heat
has everybody deadbeat
dreaming of sheets,
oh, cooling sheets
of rain as it downward beats!
Vivek, not to be left behind, came in:
Congratulations for the new phone.
The Lily chose to
Bloom in the heat that
Is making us bleat
But also making rhymes neat,
Which is no mean feat

There were colors and blooms galore
And the tired mind wants even more
Morning glory, pansies, petunia, lupines, oleander
Have in right royal garb decided to in wander
Apply a healing and soothing balm
Give tired minds and long heated days some calm

Even more sprightly beauties are met
From Ria, Shashi, Shantha and Sumanji we get
Vibrant, radiant blossoms have come to play
Side by side a pleasing display
Nature's canvas is spread around
In colors joyous and profound

If there's a tale that the colors tell
This crimson cacti loudly rings the bell
The mogra did bloom despite the heat
While another sacrificed part of its leaf
Dogwood, bird of paradise & more did in parade
Creating a flowery arcade

Alongside frangipani, crown of thorns
The hills too came alive
Loudly trumpeting their flowery horns
Varied flowers did merrily jive

Another profusion of colors did pose
Such beauty it was difficult to compose
Who would hold center stage
Who would be on the side yet engage
Our minds, hearts and eyes to the full
Can we every deny the flowers pull?

Hibiscus of all types, for all seasons
Udayji & Alka am sure had their reasons
Rich and delicate blooms do preen
Wouldst thou tell the Hibiscus, it's not a queen?

Some pix will not show today
They will be framed another day
Rest assured they won't be lost
Aside they will not be tossed!

My Co-Contributors:

Lilies from Rachna and Shalini; Shantha, Alka & FreyaS; Ria, Shantha, Shashi, & Sumanji; UdayBaxiji, Shashi & Vivek; Rachna, Ranjona, Shalini & Shashi; June, Alka, Rina & Vee; UdayBaxiji & Alka.

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