Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday wakes up to


Pinks! Pinks! Pinks and whites!
Amid a small foliage of green
The flowers they do preen
Even as they decorate a morning bright.

From Deepak, the high ups continue

A canvas of sprightly yellow
Vibrant and lively greets the eye
It makes the environment mellow
Even as it breaches the blue sky.

Vivek decided to continue the pink story

Glorious beauty in such deep pinks
The eyes feast on it without blinks
It embeds itself deep within the heart
Such brilliance makes it stand apart.


Shashi, continued the tall flowering tales, and Sai filled in for me

As a flower I bloomed
Making others smile
Made me bloom
Till a tree I became
For all to see
That they bloomed
With happiness in a smile. 

I was a little late to the descriptive party...

A sentinel standing tall and true
Coloring the sky with its beautiful hue
Days are coming for the leaves to fall
and Autumn shall hold all in thrall
Till then let us the colors enjoy!


My Co-contributors 

  1.  Deepak
  2. Vivek
  3. ShashiB 
  4. Sai 


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