Sunday, September 20, 2020

A change of tack... the wordsmith has an achy back


Posting on the blog will be delayed
A massive back spasm has me lamba lait.  
Not even 2 hours at a stretch can I sit
The back pain is giving me massive hits.
My apologies to @Sai, I will craft thy flower temples a rhyme
Pls just give me some time

@Sai sportingly enough came back with 

A delayed word
Are not lost in the wilderness
For when heard
It still shines through
The darkness of wilderness

I have yet to do justice to his temple flowers, their sheer brilliance mutes me, but try i must, because promise i did...

 Flowers yellow, orange and gold
Knit together in a thread so bold
Flower trees so divine
Their presence lights up your life and mine

I just realized that today today included is the 3rd missing day; i will try to bring all the shares into play; forgive me if dates are turned upside down
From Shashi
 Nature has cycles for a reason
If it didn't there would be no seasons
This bush today is full of blooms
Tomorrow maybe none, but all is not gloom and doom
A flower bed full of yellow-oranges, oranges and greens
The weekend does truly preen
Colors so rich, colors so true
They offer at the home front a contrasting view
The sheer burst of pink
Makes you think
Their full blooms offer a massive cheerful dose
Even as fall draws close

After turning a full poetess Shalini backed off, then returned again, so here we are
The periwinkle spreading its cheer all around
In every nook and corner it can be found
In many colors a humble flower
It seems totally unaware of its extraordinary powers.
Shalini, the poetess came back with:
Two yellows, so mellow
So many greens, so serene!
What was I to do but play on her words...
Two bright yellows make Shalini mellow
So many greens make the environment serene
So takes off the flower-ship of the fellows
In directions n colors evergreen
Today she offered up this
The sundae circle is richly white
It's a cheery sight
A plant full of blooms
It has chased away the backache's gloom

How can I forget Vivek, he seems to be the self ascribed funny-man, he went to the market to buy shoes, came back with
Went for shoes, came back with these
Where's the footwear if you please
But flowers do light up the day
And bring forth smiles all the way...

And then offered these gems
To have and to hold
That's the beauty of the marigold
To adorn, to be plucked, to be offered to the Lord
Full of devotion, fragrance and truth in the Word (OM) 

 And today, took me a wandering to a Conservatory near the Capitol in D.C. 
Now where from you pulled this gem
I wish I could be there, ahem-ahem
The wordsmith does have a kinda broken back
But fear not once well, she will pick up the slack.
From my cousin on Friday
 Speckles of whites tipped with orange
A sight at once enticing n strange
Is it a flower, is it candy
Whatever it is, it's fine n dandy

My Co-Contributors are the usual culprits
Sai, Shashi, Shalini and Vivek and Rachna
Sorry, folks, tired out now; I know I have missed my cousin's shares, 2mrow they shall rule the page!


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