Friday, October 30, 2020

Blooms of Hope, Love and Life


 Sometimes, it seems that the blog's contributors think alike, as do the flowers they share. Thursday was one such day, began with Shashi and moved on... and the reigning flower was the periwinkle, sadabahar or sadaphuli, a perennial flower with amazing colors

So, Shashi's flowers don't seem to recognize it is time for them to go and hide: #DailyFlowers Still going strong, despite the cold weather

Adorable pinks make the morning bright
They are going strong despite a weather cold
Their courage in blooming instills in us strength to fight
Even among flowers they form the standard gold

Well, what more can I say than

One periwinkle another deserves
Just see the varied colors nature does us serve
Mornings are in turns nippy n cold
To venture out for future morning walks, we would be so bold

Thence came in Shalini

"Where flowers bloom, so does hope."
(Lady Bird Johnson)

I have said it before, I will say it again, jumping off is great fun

Blooming flowers always foster hope
Their fragile beauty teaches us to cope
Whatever life may throw our way
With colorful flowers by our side, things our way will sway!

Vivek kept in with the trend, some more pinks he had to lend: In keeping with today’s theme, I am posting pictures of these hardy and beautiful flowers. Here we call them “सदाफुली” (ever flowering) Good morning 

 These pinks lend to the day
Their cheer and vividness for us to play
Blooming in ever increasing joy
Their numbers and freshness are for us to enjoy!

It was not a wholly one-flower day, Sai the framer would not have it that way

The brilliant orange-red against a foggy gray
Brightens the skyline with splashes of color wild
Armed with nature's beauty, let us all pray
That we shall let roam free our  inner playful child

The blogger was delayed on Thursday, hoped it would be better on Friday, but

Deadlines have had the blogger in a vise
Then she has been ditched by Ma's care aide
Roundabouts she has tried to devise
Alas, with Mom's care there's no way to trade!
2mrow the blogger shall post
And hopefully rimes will then in coast!

Friday was begun again by Shashi: This photo is from a year ago taken at the Glenstone Museum; the pix he shared reminded me of guardians of yore, so 

A sentinel speckled with green, orange, red
Gaze alert, always straight ahead
Nature on duty humans to protect and guide
Valor's symbol, guardians' pride  

Shalini had on Thursday night ventured out to enjoy the qawwali bright, but that came to naught, so Shalini some other treasures enjoyed and to share brought:

Flowers as offerings. At the #Nizamuddin  dargah. (Shared this already on my Facebook, but yahan toh banta hai!)

The richness of the deep pinks
Collected to be offered at the dargah
The fragrance and devotion of the faithful in sinks
But Nizamuddin's shrine is not in Gulbarga*
*If this is not a forced rhyme, then I don't know what is

Vivek pulled out deep philosophy: It does not matter if you are a rose  a lotus or a marigold. What matters is that you are flowering. (Rajneesh) Good morning

What type of flower matters not
Especially, when lives are a scattered lot
Covid has turned things upside down
These beautiful blooms chase away all frowns

I was trawling FB and saw two beauties and I knew they had to be featured here, so I requested permission, which was kindly granted ... please enjoy these as I reshare

With permission from Archana J

 Flowers colorful, flowers bright
Beauty enhanced by the day's light
Peace and joy unto us they render
Come tarry a while and unto them all cares surrender

I fell in love the moment I saw this one and am happy Shaily gave permission to use. She quoted: "The earth laughs in flowers." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Delicate pinks and tinged yellows
Flowers in full bloom, the air is so mellow
Hug bunches of whites and greens so tight
Two different flowers, yet together so right

From my cousin, Rachna

 I have said this before will say it again
Nature's love affair with pink is a constant refrain
Light-pinks, deep-pinks, white-pinks, pinks all around
Everywhere you turn, they in huge numbers abound

My Co-Contributors

For Thursday, Shashi, Me (Rachna) Shalini, Vivek and Sai

For Friday, Shashi, Shalini, Vivek, Archana, Shaily and Rachna


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