Thursday, October 22, 2020

Of Neighbors, Regal Poses, Prayers & Rhymes


Today began well enough with Shashi as usual leading the day - I think, but then forced rhyming/rhymes came into play...

But, let's start...

Shashi with Neighbors #DailyFlowers for a great Thursday

Distinctive yet finely blended
The dark orange with the yellow melded
Two gorgeous neighbors on show
Even as they in tandem mightily grow

 Then I managed to sneak in with

Thursday glorious Thursday bright
Which of nature's glories will you bring to light
Big, small, tiny, ferns, bush or flowers
Each is imbued with the earth's rejuvenating powers

And in came Shalini

Red like a rose, but it ain't
Looks like bottle brush a little faint
This little flower does a feint
But a nice picture it paints!
Time for zabardasti ki rhymes is here 😜 

Okay, if that's what you want, so mote it be

Forced rhymes
A bottle brush mimicking a thrush
Throwing its song into the morning air
It captured the attention of a maiden fair
Who likened it to a rose sporting a light blush

Vivek chipped in with

Zabardasti ki rhymes are
Quite zabardast!
Today, have two roses
Regal in their poses
‘‘Tis better I restrict
My rhyming
To small discrete doses!"

So many words to jump off from, my heart would be forlorn if i didn't use

Roses in regal poses,
Captured by the legal eagle,
Served in small doses
With a camera profoundly lethal
Have come all this way to rhyme
Play with words and have a whale of a time

From Freda Aunty who is unwell but still shares beauties

A hanging flower pot with blooms trailing
A sight that beautifies the balcony railing
Adding color and cheer to the day
Sending good wishes, prayers and health everyone's way

My Co-contributors

Shashi, Rachna, Shalini, Vivek & Freda Aunty (get well soon!)


'Tis Time for Roses!

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