Saturday, October 10, 2020

Saturday was Sparkly and Pink

 Saturday is here and a lazy day it has been... but flowers have added their luminous sheen, 

I got to kick start the day since the others were taking it easy with 2 beautiful but contrasting shades

Saturday sashayed in its sparkling might
Brought in a shiny pink leaf and orange flowers bright
Work is done, the week has had its run
C'mon it's time for some relaxing fun

 Shalini punted in with
 The pink is lovely,
Shiny leaf
And the gold is vibrant
Orange and deep.
The weekend starts on a happy note
Hope that the colors keep your mood afloat...
Shalini also sent in #Saturday made sweeter with flowers from @narayananbala. Happy #weekendvibes :)

Bunched whites against the darker green
That gives them an almost luminous sheen
Brings to mind sparkling lights
That cut through and enliven our sights
Of course Shalini and Vivek did their usual punning and rhyming and I jumped in, why not...
But Vivek came up with two beauties, both of them pink: These are the last outdoor blooms before winter sets in Poland. Good morning. I saw similar flowers in @shashib's post. Photos by Jola Prożak
 My rhymes seem to have petered out
Some spells cast by Vivek, I have no doubt
But these pinks that he has shared, do deserve a tale
But seeing their delicate beauty, words do me fail
Shinjini brought two of nature's creatures together in one vivid pix: Since there seems to be a pink theme today. Adding these beauties  to the #DailyFlowers mix.
I clicked this 5 years ago, for the very first round of #TheMindfulBreak, which starts again on the 15th. 

 One delicate creature atop another
The canvas is static, the top can flutter
Flap its wings and fly away
Come back to visit some other day
We almost missed Shashi!
 Great pics of #DailyFlowers
I realized my flowers stepped out of the thread!
Love the creativity from all of you
The 4 star flowers on the left were fascinating! Happy Saturday!
As I said before, finding words/phrases I can jump off from increases the fun, so
Fascinating to see flowers in a 4-star formation
Seemed as if they had planned that specific combination
Yellow-centered whites, bunched up so tight
Mayhaps they have an ode ready to recite
From memories of Allahabad, this time 2012 flower show 

'Tis the day of pinks and whites'
Two colors that equally delight
Natures loves them as you can see
She with them adorns many a bush, shrub and tree

My co-contributors are
Rachna, Freda Aunty (the potted Orange-gold), Shalini, Vivek, Shinjini and Shashi



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