Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Beauty, Cheer, Peace of Mind, Flowers Bind!


The day after a feature post somehow always seems to be slow and it has been that way this time too. The week begins on note strong, and will culminate in the festival of Diwali, that's been awaited for quite long...

Sai began the day with another hibiscus beauty

A brave hearted red bloom
The photographer on it has zoomed
Contrasted against the wall and sky
It seems to be smiling on us from on high

Thence came in Shashi with memories from 2 years ago. #DailyFlowers and Diwali greetings

Diyas and flowers hand in hand Diwali make
Color, fragrance, offering, lights into another world us take
Evil never triumphs over good
Happiness, peace and prosperity together stood
A message to stand fast
Inasmuch the light does us long last

Shalini continued with the diwali theme, though she brought in a different kind: Continuing with the #Diwali theme, here's a rangoli made by Ria some years ago. The #marigold give definition and festive cheer to the design, I felt. Wishing a happy week ahead to all on #DailyFlowers

Ringed by marigold a peacock its tail  displays
My colors beautiful come and see it says
'Tis not just flowers that are Nature's creation
The peacock is after all the chief of birds of the nation

After Shalini, Vivek took up the theme and produced a flower carved out in wax. It is so beautiful that I can’t dare light it up even for Diwali. Good morning

I agree with the notion
But use it you must
Otherwise, its inherent fragrance will be a bust
And that's likely to result in other emotions
There's a special magic in scented candles
With them lit, troubles, worries seem to lose their handles
Can easily be away chased
With joy, merriment replaced

There are still many from Archana's stable to share
Our attention they are keen to snare
Cause us to stop and for long stare
And marvel at nature's beauty and care

 Shinijini walked in with: First snow in Boston, and you can still see those gorgeous yellow flowers sticking out of the snow! #DailyFlowers GM.Pic sent by mom.

Snow caps cars, bushes and plants
But to the flowers it extra time grants
As if it knows their amazing powers
Will keep us warm longer till its next showers

Tuesday began with Sai's  Good morning! Finally had some cool winds today morning

Cool winds should have made this flower bend n bow
Yet for Sai, it holds a steady show
Perfect against the sky blue
Looking like a trumpet with a designer hue

Seasons are changing, days are becoming shorter, as Shashi can well attest: It's getting dark faster like in the picture here (5 p.m) but these flowers were almost glowing. Flowers are nature's way of saying stop and admire us. You need the break from your electronic screens. Plus, we have been here always

Flowers are nature's way to say
Stop and admire us, we brighten your days
We are colorful, cheerful and fun
We can get you out in the morning sun n for evening runs
So, what if dusk approaches fast
We will stand our ground to the last

From Shalini: Simple things like these pretty chrysanthemums from @narayananbala  made my day too

Flowers always a cheery song sing
To us they notes of wonder bring
Colors sparkling, colors bright
The yellow Chrysanthemums herald such joy and light

Vivek says: Every morning mom sits on the terrace and watches these. Says they give her peace. There comes a time when the simplest of things give us joy. Good morning

Flowers grow with abandon so great
They happily bloom and don't lie in wait
For signs to say, c'mon put on a show
They just burst forth in gorgeous colors and grow
Full many a heart do they set at ease
When the eyes light upon them merry as you please

Mala shared absolute beauty today

The wonder of pinks, whites, yellows and peaches
Such deep gaiety and joy from them leaches
Enervating the surroundings fair
As they throw their regalia on the air
Full many a person does stop in their tracks
When they see flowers beautiful in such stacks

My Co-Contributors

Monday: Sai, Shashi, Shalini, Vivek, Archana & Shinjini

Tuesday, Sai, Shashi, Shaini, Vivek & Mala

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