Saturday, November 7, 2020

'Tis Hibiscus Day!


The Hibiscus, aka, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is perhaps the most well-known of all flowers. I initially met this flower when I was perhaps 6 or 7, and they weren't calling it Hibiscus. Nay, they gave it the local name -Jaba (Bengali). We had this huge bush by the gate with branches falling outside the fence and the little girl that I was would get furious when people plucked the blooms to accord them pride of place in their puja thaals.

 I grew older and along came the subject called Biology, and we were up, close and personal with the Hibiscus. It was a subject of intense study, examined from all angles, turned upside down and then alas, dissected! 

Till then I had only met the deep red color; it was I think at the ChiefSecy's residence that I met the deep pink - was totally enthralled. And later met the double hibiscus and more wondrous colors. We feature some of these today (we have featured some earlier also), but let's begin

Shashi began the day's narrative presenting a deep pink

Seen against iron bars, singing the song of the free
A deep pink beauty and its friend, at once shy and carefree
Seen in many countries across the world
Hearkens to memories of home when fully unfurled

Shashi was followed by Sai who hinted at assignments submitted

Assignment submitted and accepted
Not a flower that can be intercepted
Bold, loud, gorgeous and true
Definitely passes the review

In came Shalini with a rhyme and the first who presented more than one

Swaying lightly, little flower
How I wonder what you are
Up above the dome so high
Like a #hibiscus in the sky  

Hibiscus high, Hibiscus in a show
Your blooms in the wind do sway and flow
Whether shrub you grace or ruins old
Add grace, dignity and a presence bold

Vivek: My entry for #hibiscus day for #DailyFlowers 4 different flowers from our garden. I have few more colors from other places but posting all would be like a backbencher suddenly trying to impress the teacher. :) Also consider @shanar68 's rhyme copy pasted here.

 Vivek presents 4 different flowers from their garden
These blooms would never allow a heart to harden
Their resolve is mightier than the seasons
To gladden hearts and adorn Gods, they have many reasons

 Vishnu came in with

These gorgeous pinks do gardens empower
Their vividness and vibrancy do shower
Color, beauty, peace of mind
A massive respite from the daily grind

From Madhu and Anjali, although showcased sometime before, they bring colors unusual and a double hibicus to the fore

 Showcased before
But these beauties demand more
Attention and eye balls
Unfettered by high walls

  A glorious pink and a hibiscus double
Sent in by Anjali they do us greet and with joy bubble
A flower humble,a  flower great
With clean lines and symmetry they carry their weight

 From plant to bedside table
Hibiscus rules home and gable
This red beauty holds the room
Two beautiful in tune do bloom

From Archana's collection to our blog
These beauties don't have to slog
Queens they are of gardens and homes
Reign supreme whether on shrubs or domes

My Co-Contributors

Shashi, Sai, Shalini, Vivek, Vishnu, Madhu, Anjali, Rina and Archana



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