Friday, January 29, 2021

Spring Scramble!


 Things got pretty hectic this last week, with requests for edits flowing in non-stop. After spending more than 10 hours staring at the screen the blogger was in no mood to hit the keyboard again and the brain was going round in circles. I had hoped things would ease off, but they seem to be picking up even more steam... never mind, let's get this one out

How about a Van Gogh to start the week off? Taken National Gallery of Art - February 2019. #DailyFlowers! Have a great week.

Van Gogh starts the week
Beauty in art we seek
Masters shared by galleries of art
Full enjoyment though miles apart

 Whether on bags, envelopes or plants
Flowers offer a colorful slant
All shapes, sizes, fragrances and hues
Their variety always enriches views

 This is from a 2018 kolam in Potomac at a cousin's house

 Kolams across the seas in stranger lands
Harking to traditions bringing closer the motherland
A full welcome created
Visitor n family alike to a salutation treated 

This deep red pansy shied away from the camera, but my persistence paid off finally :)

The deep red pansy from Shalini's camera away shied
Its glorious beauty it wanted to hide
But at her persistence one cannot scoff
Hence, we have a beauty that is a one-off

Shalini had roses on her mind, an unusually spiked one and a video: 

This unusual rose,
with spiky leaves,
Was swaying in the breeze,
With perfect ease.
Different but beautiful,
Nature is bountiful...

A beautiful verse
Saluting the rose
Nature's perfect nurse
A health giving dose

For the video:

Good Afternoon!

The hunt for bougainvillea is on again
Vivek went out driving for new strains
Yellows and pink brighten the roads
Lessen the wayfarers loads

Clicks borrowed from my Uncles garden; Posting this with his permission:

Flower or butterfly, that's your call
For me either way, it's having a ball
Deep tinged red, splattered with white
Sure it is the garden's and gardener's delight

Some more borrowed flowers with due permission

The brilliant colors of spring
To the heart immense gladness bring
Beauty and grace
In nature have top place

 Sai is back with gems

Looks like a fairy
Light and airy
Caught just about to take flight
By an adept pic taker's sight

My Co-Contributors

Shashi, Shalini, Vivek, Vishnu & Sai

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