Saturday, March 27, 2021

True wit did the others display


The exchange between the blogger, Shalini & Vivek, referred to in

True wit did the others display as their hacks and words came out to play…

First off was Shalini with: 

Pix so nice
The wordsmith was smitten
On the spot rhyme
Was immediately written

The blogger's response:

Wordsmith was smitten
By the weekend bug bitten
Now I am off to wordy lands
Where I would make my stand
But you are free to rhyme
Jingles, posies and songs for a long time

If Shalini comes out to play, Can Vivek be far away:

The wordsmith is smitten
Her poesy has wordsmith2 bitten
Instant verse is the theme of the day
For hacks like me to make hay

The Blogger reverted with:

Hacks like you are welcome to make hay
Please step into my shoes while I go out to play
Ladies and Gentlemen of #DailyFlowers
Please welcome your new host for wordy showers.

The unrepentant Vivek shot back with:

Oh no!
How can I be the
Host for wordy showers?
I am just a colorful leaf
That pretends to be a flower.

Work was knocking, so the wordsmith left with

A pretend flower
can still shower
words of power
creating a tower!


Flowers by Series...


 In the last post the blogger made a mistake, for that she apologizes and thus begins this post by correcting that error

In the many pix received, one was erroneously missed
the contributor is generous and therefore wasn't pissed
But the blogger is out to rectify the miss
Please do not this cute pix dismiss

Now that amends have been made, we can move on, this lot has some gorgeousness displayed, some color series, some tales, some rhymes were played

Dewdrops did their presence record with Shashi: #DailyFlowers it is slowly getting pretty and today the dew on these flowers were very beautiful. Of course that set the blogger to rhyming and set the others to chiming 

Dew drops on yellows
Makes me feel so mellow
Warmer seasons are here
Colors are sprouting fair

In line with the gorgeous yellows shared by Shashi came a whole series. Of course, Shashi kicked this one off too: Have a great weekend. Lots of new flowers spotted in real life. No more searching for old photos.

Once the yellow series was started
It seemed all had the same path charted
Brilliant, light, big and small, flowers,  bunches,
Were all procured, produced and proved to be keepers

N.A. taken. Submitted for kind approval (the bush lily today); Today’s theme seems to be government submissions. Please find below my submission as per discussion, for perusal and further necessary action at your end. Good morning. RT'ed. Action taken. Case forwarded to Madam sahiba for "flowery and poetic" remarks and entry into file.

But the love for series didn't there end
For oranges came in to enliven the blend
There was some mention of permissions
People sent in their submissions
Who the 'government' was I do not know
Alas,  I did not catch that portion of the show
But the oranges, I tell you, they did shine
Beauties of nature mystery did design
In chimed a golden ray, and a bird of paradise
As flowering beauties to the challenge did rise

But all was not in the yellow and orange realm
Lavender, violet, deep blue, purple did also helm
Some shares that they in steered
The season appropriately cheered
An irregular contributor did come in
And found some unlikely kin

 Where would we be without the pinks
Of them deeply the seasons do drink
Whether in leaves, blooming trees or Bougainvilleas happy
Godetia mornings, or blossoms light pink and snappy

My Co-Contributors
Shalini; Shashi; Yellow Series: Shashi & Vishnu; Deepak, Sai & @HippyMallu; 
Orange blends: Deepak; Shalini & Vivek; Vivek & Shalini; Sai & Vivek; 
Purples: Vivek & Shashi; Vivek, Shinjini & Vishnu; 
Pinks: Shalini, Shashi & @HippyMallu; Ranjona & Satbir; Shalini & Vishnu. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Mellow Yellows share the Frame


 Well, two members went off on travels, one wended their way back home the other took a trip to the hills. The rest of us sat and watched and enjoyed the shares and my, oh my, they were such variegated fares. But let them tell their own tales, for any other play would just pale. They started a yellow day and they ran with it...

Yellows had a field day
Across all colors they held sway
Golden, bright, muted and in combinations
Sparkling, joyous, for many an inspiration
From Daffodils to Golden showers
Angel flowers with many powers
Cheery yellow-oranges did delight
As they sprinkled merriness into the light
From hills and valleys, the yellow did peek
Our attention boldly seek

Vivek & his pretty wife went to a wedding
From the way along flowers and cheer a-spreading
Finally they did the venue reach
Where they sparkled in traditional wear each
But weddings without flowers are incomplete
So, the jui flowers and lady's hair did meet

Although yellows tried to dominate
Other colors they had to accommodate
From Bangalore come flowering trees
Laden with lovely pinks on a blooming spree

Periwinkle white did pose so well
To Sai, it a vision did spell
He captured it by the camera's eye
Although framed it still does fly
Shashi brought
purple highlights against the cream
A lone flower, but a loud look at me it does scream
Fresh flowers are such a relief
Spring has come brightening every flower & leaf

Deepak dives into memories galore
Wildflowers come to the fore
Nature's beauty does everywhere show
Wildflowers don't care were they grow
The traveler hath returned to home place
After a week full of wandering grace
Back where they are meant to be
And the
mogra is a joy to see

 The Bougainvillea rings true to form
Even as it ducks the norm
Colorful leaves sheltering flowers white
At once a laden bush and a close-up tight

 Pinks always find a way
It is as if they cannot let go a single day
To make their presence felt
Without them the world would mayhaps melt

Deepak two beauties shared
Deep pink and purple dared
On the post to make their mark
Flowers in spring have a lark

Purples and white did a pathway adorn
While the lighter lavender did seem to the forest born
One's from a newly gained friend
The other Shalini from hills did send

 Shashi, he of the US fame
Is slowly coming back into the game
The cold weather is giving way
Blooms and flowers are coming out to play

My Co-Contributors

Shashi & Sai; Shalini, Shashi & Vivek; Shalini, Katerina & Vivek; Vishnu; @HippyMallu; Vivek; Nimmy; Vivek; Sai & Shashi; Deepak & Vivek; Sai & Vivek; Vishnu & Sai; Deepak; Katerina & Shalini; and Shashi

Friday, March 19, 2021

Marvellous Mauves & More


 It is the season for the trees to burst in bloom, whether in India or across the world as Spring digs in its heels and starts to gallop on. On this blog, today the indigo, purple, lavender, blue-purples, pink-purples dominate.

 From the richer air of the hills come amazing hues
Magenta, indigo, pink-purple, violet to mention a few
The twitter timeline seems to have burst into spring
A riot of colors does some much needed freshness bring

 And then we have trees either in full bloom or ready to: Don't know the tree, there were just flowers. No leaves.. Good Morning to all. The Jacaranda. This one is from Chickmaglur where we took a tea stop. Good morning. I'm not sure which tree this is, but it looked hauntingly beautiful...Good morning. Good Morning. Hope you'll had a good night of sleep. Here's some morning freshness for everyone.

The Jacaranda and bauhinia are laden with flowers
The mauve, purple, lavender have special powers
But the season itself seems to celebrate these shades
Across many friends, these do form brigades
Not possible it is to write words for each anew
Therefore recourse is taken to do justice in lines few
Some uncommon flowers have also come to meet
With their strange beauty they do us greet
Scenes from India and US do collide
Each pic the other's colors wears with pride
Colors are coming out to play
Lighting up our days and ways


But it was not just the purple-lavender story
For other colors did also garner their glory
One specific shade across three flowers
This delicate peach-pink over the others towers
The hibiscus is firmly entrenched
Our thirst for its beauty yet to be quenched
That spiky ball Shashi did share
However, he couldn't quite identify the fare
Vivek brought a torch lily forth
Flowers in 2 stages, in the 3rd, its got ayurvedic worth

 Morning from Kerala, with the flowering of Kanikkonna ( don't know the name in English). #DailyFlowers signs of spring
Yellows teamed with orange came out to play
The golden did itself in a shower display
Nothing more cheery than the sunburst across the sky
This picturesque view is sure to give everyone a high
Good morning from Kerala too but a different part. Brightening up your morning with this beauty from a friend’s terrace garden. A special bunch from a special someone. Good morning

 And thence did enter the pink group
Oh, the colors that in did troop
In one pinks encircled oranges dear
In another purple-pinks sang loud and clear
Roses did Shalini in bring
With them another song ring
And then came flowers from one so dear
Vivek capped it off with torch lily and white roses sincere

We are hung to bloom soon. The flowers come first and then the leaves. Probably 15 days this week be a nice cherry blossom picture.
In Shashi's part of the world
Spring has finally in whirled
Cherry trees are laden with buds
Though leaves are yet the tree to flood
In a fortnight says he
A fully blossoming Cherry tree will we see

The traveler went to coffee land
There for a cuppa tea he made a stand
But then flowers he did share
From the plants that give us our daily cafe fair

And now for some sound. I was tweeting on Twitter when a real bird started tweeting on a tree. An amazing gift from nature. Do listen and enjoy. If anyone can identify the bird please let us all know

And last but not the least
Vivek manged to capture a whistling treat
Nature did send a gift
All of our spirits did it lift

My Co-Contributors
@HippyMallu; Deepak; Shalini; Mala; Nilima; Vivek; @Zenrainman & Shashi; Rachna; Katerina (@katie_abraham) & Vivek; Vishnu & Shinjini; Shalini; Shalini & Vivek; Shashi; Vivek (last 2)  

'Tis Time for Roses!

  #DailyFlowers Time as usual has flown by and we have moved into 2025; winter is here, hopefully moving on and Spring is signaling its entr...

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