Saturday, March 27, 2021

Flowers by Series...


 In the last post the blogger made a mistake, for that she apologizes and thus begins this post by correcting that error

In the many pix received, one was erroneously missed
the contributor is generous and therefore wasn't pissed
But the blogger is out to rectify the miss
Please do not this cute pix dismiss

Now that amends have been made, we can move on, this lot has some gorgeousness displayed, some color series, some tales, some rhymes were played

Dewdrops did their presence record with Shashi: #DailyFlowers it is slowly getting pretty and today the dew on these flowers were very beautiful. Of course that set the blogger to rhyming and set the others to chiming 

Dew drops on yellows
Makes me feel so mellow
Warmer seasons are here
Colors are sprouting fair

In line with the gorgeous yellows shared by Shashi came a whole series. Of course, Shashi kicked this one off too: Have a great weekend. Lots of new flowers spotted in real life. No more searching for old photos.

Once the yellow series was started
It seemed all had the same path charted
Brilliant, light, big and small, flowers,  bunches,
Were all procured, produced and proved to be keepers

N.A. taken. Submitted for kind approval (the bush lily today); Today’s theme seems to be government submissions. Please find below my submission as per discussion, for perusal and further necessary action at your end. Good morning. RT'ed. Action taken. Case forwarded to Madam sahiba for "flowery and poetic" remarks and entry into file.

But the love for series didn't there end
For oranges came in to enliven the blend
There was some mention of permissions
People sent in their submissions
Who the 'government' was I do not know
Alas,  I did not catch that portion of the show
But the oranges, I tell you, they did shine
Beauties of nature mystery did design
In chimed a golden ray, and a bird of paradise
As flowering beauties to the challenge did rise

But all was not in the yellow and orange realm
Lavender, violet, deep blue, purple did also helm
Some shares that they in steered
The season appropriately cheered
An irregular contributor did come in
And found some unlikely kin

 Where would we be without the pinks
Of them deeply the seasons do drink
Whether in leaves, blooming trees or Bougainvilleas happy
Godetia mornings, or blossoms light pink and snappy

My Co-Contributors
Shalini; Shashi; Yellow Series: Shashi & Vishnu; Deepak, Sai & @HippyMallu; 
Orange blends: Deepak; Shalini & Vivek; Vivek & Shalini; Sai & Vivek; 
Purples: Vivek & Shashi; Vivek, Shinjini & Vishnu; 
Pinks: Shalini, Shashi & @HippyMallu; Ranjona & Satbir; Shalini & Vishnu. 

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