Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Celebrations in Colors Glorious


We are moving further quite well; vaccinations are also progressing, though the weather can't quite make up its mind. Days are heating up and how, but the nights still have a nip in them... 

Happy Sunday! White seems to be the flavor of the day, so white it is....! I'm told these white begonia are a rarity! Rare begonias and coffee. My Sunday special. Tea on weekdays

 My co-contributors decided to ascribe the color of the day
White they said had won right of way
From rare begonias to periwinkles to parijat bright
White lit up the blog alright

Shashi's white was a little late to the game
It did not therefore get bunched with the same
However, beauty it did bring
Along with yellows and whites of majesty it did sing

On Sunday, Shashi brought to the fore
Light greens and reds leaving us asking for more
A contrast to the truck by the kerb
It did make for a joyful blurb

Shashi brings 2017 Hoboken, NJ

When colors of the flag make their presence felt
In honor of courage, beauty has knelt
Dark greens and pinks add a lighter note
Valor and grace always carry the vote

Not flowers, fish. But don't they look like floating flowers?

Well, these are not flowers
But these fishes have some amazing powers
Shalini did them here feature
They are gorgeous creatures

A profusion of violets, mauve and purples
So what if they are not forming perfect circles
In full bloom they did sing and sway
Made a poet of Shalini on that day

"...फूल ही फूल राहों में खिल जाएंगे... शायद ऐसे?"

Adenium/Desert Rose: Shared by a good friend Manju from her garden
The colours are so vibrant and pleasing! Wishing everyone a great weekend...! More flowers from my friend Manju's garden: Flowers of different colors,  size and symmetry,  when it shashays and catches eye  tends to calm any troubled mind /body. The stone crop is flowering too...would make for a good pattern for Asmita to embroider next

An absolute profusion of oranges, reds and pinks
Friends from across the country did bring
Try as I might to write lines celebrating each
Their incandescent beauty to define is beyond my reach

Women's Day reminds me of these shy nasturtiums. They look fragile, but know how to protect themselves :)! A very Happy Women's Day to everyone especially to the wonderful ladies who share #DailyFlowers More power to you. Good morning! Happy International Women's Day

For women, each day is yours, mine and ours
We are grace, beauty, love and joy, strength, courage and kindness
We laugh, sing, cry, nurture, amity we shower
Goddesses yet mortal, we seek to remove the world's blindness

 I was to post this yesterday but better late than never. Floral embroidery by Asmita for her own Kurti. It is one of her many hobbies.  Good morning

Flowers are not just found in nature
Sometimes on outfits they are lovingly featured
When imagination and skill together soar
Our hearts and minds sing out for more

The bright red flower on muddied ground
The bloom laden tree against the sky so grey
All across the country at this time, the bloom is found
While the silk cotton fluff spreads forth in a cloudy spray

My Co-Contributors

Vishnu; Shalini & Vivek; Shashi (for the next 2); Shashi & Vivek; Shalini (for the next 2); Anjali; Rina; Vishnu (for the next 2); Vishnu & Shalini; Vivek; Shashi; Shalini; Vivek; Amlan @orphean_warbler

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