Friday, March 12, 2021

Bottle Brush & the Colors Rush


 The blog is pleased to have an older member returning to it after quite some time and safe and sound. On the other hand, Vivek has taken his car and his better half and gone traveling around. Some scenes and sights from the trip will be featured here, of course they will have flowers, because they have awesome powers! 

In the US, Shashi met the first blooms of spring
Along with their sprightliness they hope did bring
Gorgeous yellow-orange blooms
Cut directly through the long Covid imposed gloom

Sai returns with: even the flowers smile and shine brighter with a bit of rain.

 Rain washes are gentle and kind
They remove all the dust and allow flowers to shine
Flowers rain washed together do bind
Hearts, minds, eyes all fall in line

And Satbir asked: Bottle Brush. Who makes it better: Mother Nature or Us?

Man created bottle brush or Nature's glorious creation
Up to you to decide which deserves true appreciation
Plastic filaments twisted radically on a wire spine
Sleek reds tipped with yellow on a delicate stem twine
One twists and turns, in bottles to scrub and clean
The other sprightly & shy in the wind does sway and is a queen

Meanwhile, an orchid bloomed in Medha's house in Mumbai. I requested permission to share the beauty with #DailyFlowers which she happily gave :).  It's raining in Delhi and mild thunder is rolling across the skies. This dahlia was clicked some days ago and will keep reminding us about sunny spring days.

A deep purple orchid and pink dahlia
One simple but rare the other so la-di-la-h
But did you see the rich hues they share
Pinks and purples offer all other colors a dare

So, Vivek's gone on a motoring trip
From there, sights and sounds he does to us ship
Sunrises, sunsets, temples, monuments and more
All these he does leisurely explore
The descriptive order does therefore change
His comments will drive the visual range

The palas trees are in full bloom along the highway. A few samples. Good morning

Flowers from near the Narasimha monument Hampi; Good morning; Today’s flowers are for the car

Sun setting on Kodangal, Telangana. We are on our way to Hampi, then Thrissur. From one more sunset point here in Hampi

Good morning! Here’s one from a friend’s terrace garden. Methi flowers, I believe. She has an absolutely stunning terrace garden, filled with flowers and plants. 

 Delicate oranges, glorious yellows
Lift the mood, make us mellow
Each flower filled with grace
Their loveliness brightening up the place

Just a fruit, this time. Good Morning everyone. Good morning. Too hot to go outside and click some new ones, so dredging up some old ones. A flower from the Cannonball tree.

 A long-missing friend is back
He has got quite a photo stack
The interplay of light and green
Was never so brightly seen
Too hot it is to step out he says
Therefore recourse is taken to older plays
A flower from the cannonball tree
Up so high, happy and free

Another friend in Malaysia is stuck
Covid played havoc with his returning home luck
But flowers do spirits raise
Allow us to beauty and grace praise

Closer to home Rachna does bring
Blues and purples that loudly sing
Look at us, vivid, cheery and loud
We break through the colorful crowd

Another bush you will probably see in your travels...the lantana plant is an invasive species in India I'm told but the flowers are pleasant enough to overlook that aspect, I guess. Did you know its leaves are poisonous to most animals? #aajkagyaan

The daily gyaan has been dispensed
A tale that could a para fill has into 2 lines been condensed
Yet the blooms she speaks of are seen everywhere
Most usually just pass by, don't really about it care

 Today's #DailyFlowers come from a 2017 visit to #Austin #Texas; Hope it brings to cheer to your morning Smiling face

The post is long, but there is still one song
That has to be presented and sung along
India and Texas easily mingle
Deep pink  and orange hues blend into a rich jingle

My Co-Contributors

Shashi; Sai; Satbir (@thesatbir); Shalini; Vivek; Sai & Shinijini; Deepak (@myqueries137); Svariyar; Rachna; Shalini; Vishnu & Shashi.


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