Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Yellow & Purple Medley


 Life is quite strange! There are some days you think are absolutely boring work-wise and then the flood gates open and you are absolutely deluged. Even as you struggle to keep up, you are blindsided with a whammy. Well, this pandemic seems to be taking its own sweet time and not going away anytime soon. And in line with that, I would request all the readers of this blog to continue to be careful, to mask-up, sanitize, maintain social distancing and whatever is required even as they go about being vaccinated. Vaccination, unfortunately isn't the end of the game. The precautions and care need to continue. And about that whammy, lost a close friend, classmate and batch-mate to Covid. Had heard of instances where both spouses were hospitalized and one lost their battle without the other being able to say goodbye. Yes, this was one of those whammies! So, please do not think Covid is a hoax, don't let your guard down, and please, take the vaccine. 

Having said that, all was not gloom and lost. I have not in the history of this blog at least come across the colors that are being showcased here. So, much so, that  I am planning an entire post on that specific hue, sometime mid-April. So, all contributors may please get their collections ready. Pink-Purples and Purple-y-Pinks abound and they light up this blog, they really do! Additionally, the yellows are having such fun. Shashi is making up for lost time and flowers with a vengeance. Spring and warmer weather have finally made their way into the US and flowers are blooming like mad. So, let's get to it.

A cheery hello
Said the yellows
Put Shashi in a mood so mellow
He forgot to tag the #DailyFlowers fellow(s)

It was not just yellows come out to play
Other colors also put on a spirited display
At home and around, pinks and whites were found
Adding love and cheer as warmer times came round

Pinks are royalty
But purple pinks are majesty
Seen mostly in spring
Much joy do they bring
Evening jaunts took place of morning walks
Did not much matter as pink-purples starred on stalks
A collection of flowers most amazing was garnered
You can bet contributors have the market on pretty pix cornered

The rarest of rare
is this purple fair
Bougainvillea how many hues have thee
This shade for the first time did I see
Here's an Ashok tree
In a flowering spree
Another rare sight
Taking this blog to new heights

Pinks, Pinks, Pinks and Pinks
So many of them they make you blink
Hues that come from far and wide
Blooms filling the heart with sighs
And it seems that nature replies
With even more pinks to surprise
Neighbors together in bloom
Tall trees with glorious plumes

From the hills came a lavender beauty
While Deepak snagged another cutie
Methinks they to the same family belong
Across India, they are singing the same song

Another set of yellows made their mark
Less on the tree, more on the road they did park
A little knowledge gem was shared
To golden rain the spread compared
"Golden Rain Tree"

We cannot set aside pink reds
Of all the colors they are ahead
Deepak two of these beauties did frame
In doing so he upped the game

Deepak did a funny face find
The flower's name doesn't come to mind
But it of beauty sings
Nature's purpose it doth bring
Shalini did go for some long walks
Where flowers were central to talks

My Co-Contributors

Yellows & mostly Yellows: Shashi;Purples & Pinks: Vishnu; Vivek; Sai; & Vishnu; Shalini & Vivek; Pinks: Vishnu; Shalini;  & Vivek; Lavenders: Deepak & @HippyMallu; Vivek; Pink-Reds: Deepak; Deepak & Shalini

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