Sunday, September 26, 2021

Of blooms, bees, butterflies and more


 It is that time again! When the blogger gets to exercise her grey cells, make lines that chime as clear as bells (well, that's the eternal hope). And oh, dear, the collection amassed... wheee! Two new folks are coming in today, one an old, old friend, one new! 

So,  Nimisha to Kaas Valley for a break did go
Numerous splendored blooms put on quite show
A generous soul, she did the pix to me send
So that I could feature and share the beauty with friends
Colors glorious, flowers bright
Sparkling, even as the camera captures delight

The Rise of the Rose
See for yourself how that goes
Started by Shashi, taken up by others
Seen in glorious colors

A delicate rose was missed
With other flowers, it did twist
It joined blooming paths and flower mushrooms
So much beauty, all did subsume

There was a time the blog talked only of blooms
Slowly but steadily, bees showcased their plumes
They are such generous fellows
How can you not adore  bees & flowers yellow
Cheery, bright, full of light
Wherever you look, an absolute delight

Then came the butterfly!
Butterfly, flutter-by
O'er the highways and the bye-ways
Of the cheery summer time
From Udayji, Vivek and Mala, delicate wings a-flutter
Tricky to capture via the camera's shutter!

Cats, bees, butterflies have made their mark
How can the birds be left out of the park
Thence came in the cockatiel whistler
Suddenly silent, the contributors became listeners

In twirled some pink swirls
Multi-hued, curls and whorls
Methinks someone did paints around spray
Making for a fascinating array

Known more for sharing lovely songs
This time flowers were sent along
Songs and flowers both are desired
As things of beauty, they are admired

While pinks dominate, other hues don't shy away
Against those pinks, they form a formidable display
Delicate, sturdy, dark, light and bright
The next two frames make for an imposing sight

Flower name lessons haven't yet ended
From Udayji, some more have been recommended
Tongue twisting names does he share
But, oh, they come with such wondrous fare!

Abutilon Indicum-Indian mallow-कंघी &
Pedalium murex-Crow thorn/Large caltrop-बड़ा गोखुरु

Cascabela Thevetia &
Merremia-Distimake aegyptius Hairy woodrose-hairy morning glory
Mimosa pudica-Touch-me-not-छुईमुई &
Calatropis procera

My Co-Contributors:

Nimisha; Shashi & Shalini; Shashi, Sai & Shalini; UdayBaxi & Deepak; Mala, Shashi, Deepak, Vivek & Rachna; Vivek, Mala, & UdayBaxi; Sai, Shashi & Shalini (Rina); Shashi, Mala, Vee, & Shalini; Shashi, Shantha, Deepak, Shalini (Rina); Freda Aunty, Shashi, Vivek, June & Vee; Shashi, Vivek, Deepak, Shalini (Rina) & Sai;  UdayBaxi, last 3 frames! 

My apologies, I seem to be missing tweets; missed pix will be featured next time!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Flowers for all Seasons!


It is post time again! Dear me, where did time go? It flew past so fast am dizzy! Would you believe we are in September again, fall's round the corner and then in another 4 months we will say bye-bye to 2021. When we look back on 2021, what is it that will hold us in our tracks? A pandemic changing into an endemic? Definitely! But that's not what will hold our attention! Despite all the chaos, all the natural/unnatural tragedies, the world turning topsy-turvy, it will Nature's blooms, her fruits, her flowers, their perseverance that will hold us fast, guide us, calm us and take us forward. 

Time passes and seasons change
Vivid flowers still fill the range
An inherent lesson somewhere in there
Circumstances don't subdue their power here

Senna occidentalis-Coffee senna-बड़ी कसौंदी  &

Vachellia nilotica-Acacia Arabica va. Indica-Gum arabic-बबूल / कीकर

Come September and the drums resound
As the adorable elephant God makes his way around
Flowers, sweets, rangolis, devotional songs
These last a whole 10-days long
Then the adorable Ganpati is bid a farewell
With entreaties to return the next year, as well

Raindrops on petals and on leaves
One pix from India, the other from overseas
But rain is rain and the drops do at the ends dance
What music they hear freezing them in a trance
Yellows, red, violet also take a stance
As glorious blooms they do prance

Some contributors from flowers did take a break
On Nature's other creations, they did attention stake
Wild forest and pathways do with them teem
Mushrooms became the timeline's theme

Blooms glorious in all shapes and sizes
Across the year, these are nature's many prizes
Along with blooms a butterfly is seen
Many splendored colors do sway and preen

Shashi continues to be on top of the game
Along with flowers, he is garnering fame
Shalini came in with recycled flowery bins
 Whitey under  raat-ki-raani sprawls & grins

Non-stop fascination do flowers create
Whitey and his co-conspirator come to investigate
Graceful blooms from water does Vivek spring
While Vee a bluesy beauty from his friend doth bring

Who said flowers grew only on plants and trees
They perpetuate all across on a mild or strong breeze
Some  spiked, some tall, some
upside down bells
Birds, bees, flowers in the dell

Chenchrus biflorus -Indian sandbur-भरुत
Pergularia daemia

My Co-Contributors

Mala & Rachna; UdayBaxi; Shalini, Sai, & Vivek; Charles, Shashi, June, Deepak & @Heera5688; Vivek; Shalini & Shashi; Vivek, Shashi, Charles, Rachna, & Mala; Deepak & Mala; Shashi; Shalini & Shashi; Vee, Vivek & Shalini; Shashi & UdayBaxi; Vivek, Shashi & UdayBaxi

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Glorious Reds Sparkle Ahead!

Strange are the ways of the world and stranger sometimes is life. You think you have got it all under control, as much as you can and then a tiny thing will happen and every plan will spin out of place

Words come, words go
Searching for rhymes high and low
For this 3-day weekend, much was planned
But life had the blogger outmanned
A task also by the family was driven
Pix & descriptions for 24 were to be given
Mom's 2nd vaccination dose got done
But with the cook's MIL hospitalized, much was undone
But all was not lost
Mom got to meet the incoming Ganpati
While the blogger did say adieu
Amidst all this, flowers captured our eyes
Spiraled into garlands, offerings, very much the prize

Lady of the Night
Datura Innoxia

Rhymes and verses have gone into hibernation
Causing a break in the narration
But on the prowl are blooms gloriously red
An amazing, vibrant hue that is always ahead
In bunches and singles, it sends out a strident call
Making all who see it into a deep admiring trance fall

Perched on petal tips were raindrop pearls
Blooms bunched up tightly into deep pink swirls
They caught Shashi's eye and had him fascinated
Whites & Pinks, violets, oranges too were animated

Powder puffs or power puffs, that's for you to decide
But a honey bee has gladly come along for the ride
A delicate feathered brush in orange and pink
In long summer days, a soothing sight it brings

Yellows and whites and sunflower delights
Coupled with pinks, mauve tripping so light
The whites make a wonderful display
The colors make a complimenting array

Roses from gardens in do sneak
With vivid hues they do peak
Shashi's roses are still going strong
Others coming merrily playing along
Subtle peaches and deep pinks join the play
Making for a merry color ray!

A fellow contributor has been honored
At DCA Live he has been featured
There he is standing tall
With beautiful flowers resounding the call

My Co-Contributors
UdayBaxi; Shalini, UdayBaxi & @Arjunjith5; Vivek, Vee & Shalini; Shashi, UdayBaxi & Vivek; Shashi, Shalini, Sai & Deepak; UdayBaxi; Vivek & Shashi; Shashi & UdayBaxi; Shashi, Shalini, Vivek & Deepak; Shashi

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Stories from Blooming Glories

What was DailyFlowers seems to have morphed into weekly flowers at least on the blog. Guess, working does take it toll or the rhymes have decided to sail forth once a week. Whatever, it is that time again, so a drum roll for verses please and let's get cracking

Images have been framed
But the rhyme refuses to be tamed
Fall into line
Praise blooms divine
It seems to say
I made it easy for you all this way
Now, you must strive
Re-find your poetic drive

The flowers are ready to have their tales told, please make yourselves comfortable and their glories behold

Am here too, say these glories
Who knows the ins-outs of their stories
Three by three and four by four
These bloom exactly outside cousin's door
Friends chime in with their blooms
Lovely violet-lavender plumes
They all need to be adored
Each one's memory lovingly stored

The last 18 months have been long, hard and tiring
Nature with her myriad colors has been inspiring
Folks have gone out of their way to collate gems
Resplendent colors nodding heads on various stems 

Framing of  delicate blooms against sharp-edged leaves
Calls our attention to nature's mysterious weaves
Single or more, each delicately posed
The cosmos' design beautifully composed

Came across these at a tea stop
Where Vivek did go his energy to top
Ever alert to the majesty of varied pink
With his camera he didn't from his duty shrink
And, pinks have universal appeal
Thence did Deepak & Shashi with theirs in steal
This frame makes for a glorious sight
All colors so fresh and bright

Udayji steadfastly on his journey does move
In multiple colors his pix do groove
Uncommon made common, common elevated
Stupendous offerings marvelously created
Show up to raise the timeline real high
The beauty of the blooms draws many nigh

Antigonon leptopus-CoralVine-Chain of Love
Celosia argentea-Silver Cockscomb
Crinum asiaticum-Poison bulb-Grand crinum Lily-नागदमनी & Ruellia
Peacock flower-Dwarf poinciana &
Russelia equisetiformis-Firecracker-Coral plant-रसीली


And then there were some beauties dancing
Along with others merrily prancing
Captured in the moving camera
Awesome videos not chimeras

Vids in order: Udayji, Vee & Vivek



My Co-Contributors

Alka, Rachna, Shalini, &Vivek; Shashi; Vivek, Mahesh & @Subytweets; Rachna, Shalini & Shahsi; UdayBaxi & Shalini; Rachna, Shashi, June & Vivek; Mahesh, Shalini, UdayBaxi & Shashi; UdayBaxi & Vivek; UdayBaxi & HippyMallu; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi & Vivek

'Tis Time for Roses!

  #DailyFlowers Time as usual has flown by and we have moved into 2025; winter is here, hopefully moving on and Spring is signaling its entr...

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