Sunday, September 12, 2021

Glorious Reds Sparkle Ahead!

Strange are the ways of the world and stranger sometimes is life. You think you have got it all under control, as much as you can and then a tiny thing will happen and every plan will spin out of place

Words come, words go
Searching for rhymes high and low
For this 3-day weekend, much was planned
But life had the blogger outmanned
A task also by the family was driven
Pix & descriptions for 24 were to be given
Mom's 2nd vaccination dose got done
But with the cook's MIL hospitalized, much was undone
But all was not lost
Mom got to meet the incoming Ganpati
While the blogger did say adieu
Amidst all this, flowers captured our eyes
Spiraled into garlands, offerings, very much the prize

Lady of the Night
Datura Innoxia

Rhymes and verses have gone into hibernation
Causing a break in the narration
But on the prowl are blooms gloriously red
An amazing, vibrant hue that is always ahead
In bunches and singles, it sends out a strident call
Making all who see it into a deep admiring trance fall

Perched on petal tips were raindrop pearls
Blooms bunched up tightly into deep pink swirls
They caught Shashi's eye and had him fascinated
Whites & Pinks, violets, oranges too were animated

Powder puffs or power puffs, that's for you to decide
But a honey bee has gladly come along for the ride
A delicate feathered brush in orange and pink
In long summer days, a soothing sight it brings

Yellows and whites and sunflower delights
Coupled with pinks, mauve tripping so light
The whites make a wonderful display
The colors make a complimenting array

Roses from gardens in do sneak
With vivid hues they do peak
Shashi's roses are still going strong
Others coming merrily playing along
Subtle peaches and deep pinks join the play
Making for a merry color ray!

A fellow contributor has been honored
At DCA Live he has been featured
There he is standing tall
With beautiful flowers resounding the call

My Co-Contributors
UdayBaxi; Shalini, UdayBaxi & @Arjunjith5; Vivek, Vee & Shalini; Shashi, UdayBaxi & Vivek; Shashi, Shalini, Sai & Deepak; UdayBaxi; Vivek & Shashi; Shashi & UdayBaxi; Shashi, Shalini, Vivek & Deepak; Shashi


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