Saturday, September 4, 2021

Stories from Blooming Glories

What was DailyFlowers seems to have morphed into weekly flowers at least on the blog. Guess, working does take it toll or the rhymes have decided to sail forth once a week. Whatever, it is that time again, so a drum roll for verses please and let's get cracking

Images have been framed
But the rhyme refuses to be tamed
Fall into line
Praise blooms divine
It seems to say
I made it easy for you all this way
Now, you must strive
Re-find your poetic drive

The flowers are ready to have their tales told, please make yourselves comfortable and their glories behold

Am here too, say these glories
Who knows the ins-outs of their stories
Three by three and four by four
These bloom exactly outside cousin's door
Friends chime in with their blooms
Lovely violet-lavender plumes
They all need to be adored
Each one's memory lovingly stored

The last 18 months have been long, hard and tiring
Nature with her myriad colors has been inspiring
Folks have gone out of their way to collate gems
Resplendent colors nodding heads on various stems 

Framing of  delicate blooms against sharp-edged leaves
Calls our attention to nature's mysterious weaves
Single or more, each delicately posed
The cosmos' design beautifully composed

Came across these at a tea stop
Where Vivek did go his energy to top
Ever alert to the majesty of varied pink
With his camera he didn't from his duty shrink
And, pinks have universal appeal
Thence did Deepak & Shashi with theirs in steal
This frame makes for a glorious sight
All colors so fresh and bright

Udayji steadfastly on his journey does move
In multiple colors his pix do groove
Uncommon made common, common elevated
Stupendous offerings marvelously created
Show up to raise the timeline real high
The beauty of the blooms draws many nigh

Antigonon leptopus-CoralVine-Chain of Love
Celosia argentea-Silver Cockscomb
Crinum asiaticum-Poison bulb-Grand crinum Lily-नागदमनी & Ruellia
Peacock flower-Dwarf poinciana &
Russelia equisetiformis-Firecracker-Coral plant-रसीली


And then there were some beauties dancing
Along with others merrily prancing
Captured in the moving camera
Awesome videos not chimeras

Vids in order: Udayji, Vee & Vivek



My Co-Contributors

Alka, Rachna, Shalini, &Vivek; Shashi; Vivek, Mahesh & @Subytweets; Rachna, Shalini & Shahsi; UdayBaxi & Shalini; Rachna, Shashi, June & Vivek; Mahesh, Shalini, UdayBaxi & Shashi; UdayBaxi & Vivek; UdayBaxi & HippyMallu; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi & Vivek

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