Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Tapestry of Blossoms


There are times when you have the content for a post ready in your mind, but then along comes something that just turns everything upside down. That's what happened to me this week and hence the delay in putting up the post. And that made me think of the old saying: man proposes, God disposes! And, how apt that was! Anyway, the weather has warmed up! Mumbai is hot! There's a light breeze! The world is still turning, going on and in some places it's a record that is stuck! Closer down south, Sri Lanka is having massive economic woes. Refugees into India therefore are on-going and more can be expected. Sometimes it feels like this world has pressed the reset button and civilization as we know it is on the roller-coaster! With so much turmoil around, it's a good thing that Nature's blossoming majesty is steadfast! 

Nature's beauties offer peace
May their generosity never decrease
Hues and blooms abound all around
Sometimes they call to moods profound

Vivid colors offer a welcome note
Deeper colors do themselves promote
Enrich our lives, make us smile
As we prepare to travel tougher miles

Sprightly blues play with lavender & pinks
Of spring, gardens, homes, blooms deeply drink
The wide blue expanse is a nice foil
To earth's tapestry of blossoms and soil

 A medley of blooms makes its presence felt
Gorgeousness in myriad shades is spelt

The mango tree has burst into flower

Soon, its sweet-tart goodness it will freely shower

Shashi in spring blooms did rejoice
Lovely whites & yellow their songs did voice
A crimson beauty Shantha did in bring
The flowers did sway, dance and sing

Malabar nut & Umbrella Sedge
Other blooms they did out edge
Varietals new we get to know
Udayji helps them put on a show

My Co-Contributors

Shalini, SukiF, & Vivek; Shashi, Vivek & UdayBaxiji; Vivek, Shalini & SukiF; June & Shashi; Rachna & Alka; Ranjona, UdayBaxiji, Shashi, Shantha & ArifK (@arif371); UdayBaxiji, Shantha, NilimaM; Shashi & Shantha; UdayBaxiji;

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