Monday, March 21, 2022

Colors Rejoice


Today is the vernal equinox, the official beginning of spring  when night and day are of equal length. And round the world the colors of spring burst forth rejoicing in rebirth as it were. Closer, home in India, we just celebrated the festival of colors, of love, the victory of gold over evil, amidst the spraying/sprinkling of color and the burning of the holika.  This post was to be up yesterday, but life as usual got in the way, aiming to post it in the next 30 mins. 

 Yellows are  a beauty apart
Whose brightness we take to heart
Their brilliance our days do light
Alone or with others a scintillating sight 

The first periwinkles doth Shashi delight

And Nasturtiums do Lodhi garden up light
The mother of millions, the chandelier plant
So many blooms thoroughly they do enchant

Methi, curry, soya and babool
Names that sound so cool
Their Latin names Udayji provides
Takes us on botanical rides

 Murraya koenigii-Curryleaf tree flower-करी पत्ता के फूल  &
Cassia-Senna auriculata-तरवड़-Babool flowers

Trigonella esculenta-Fenugreek-मेथी & Anethum graveolens-Garden dill-सोया 

A skyline dotted with red
Deeper glories burgeoning ahead
Spring's vibrant hues come to the fore
Nature's magnificence for us to explore

Nature's wonders will never cease
May their tribe always increase
As our contributors do grow
Pulling in more flowers for the show
A palette of purple-mauve aligned
For pleasing the soul aesthetically designed

From India and the UK, Shalini & her hubby beauties share
Flowers exquisite, blooms rare
A bouquet gorgeous for her birthday he sent
Its colors spread their own scent
Crocuses, lilies, daffodils join in the cheer
White magnolia enhances the blooming sphere

Shashi is moving into new roles
I am sure he'll score all incoming goals
Flowers express sentiments dear
They bring majesty, grace and wholesome cheer

Blooms in many shapes and hues
Framed as one, an interesting view
From us they draw oohs & aahs
Pride of place they hold in garden and vase

My Co-Contributors

@Silverlightgal, UdayBaxiji, Shashi, Shantha, June, Shalini & Vivek; UdayBaxiji, @Silverlightgal & Mahesh; UdayBaxiji, Shashi & Shalini; UdayBaxiji & Vivek; Udaybaxiji; UdayBaxiji; Ranjona, UdayBaxiji, @medusaflower; Vivek & Ranjona; Ranjona, @Silverlightgal & @medusaflower; Shantha; Shalini & Narayanabala (both frames); June, Vivek, Mahesh & Shashi; Shantha, Vivek & Shalini; @Silverlightgal, Ranjona, UdayBaxiji, Vivek & Shashi.

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