Sunday, March 13, 2022

Warmer Times Incoming


Time flies, even when time is so fraught, so heavy with the goings-on worldwide and closer to home, but it flies on wings of its own! An apology I owe to my reader; as was pointed out, last week's post was a little too dark. What can I say, but human I be,  do sometimes go down gasping and groaning into the troubles sea. There's much to comment on in the world today, but it's not all rosy and gay. So, the blogger will desist, will allow nature's brightness to persist. Days are warming up, indeed Mumbai is getting hot, but winter seems bent on having in other regions its last shot

The darker the times, the brighter the flowers
As if by their brilliance they would shower
Our lives with color resplendent
Seeming to emerge from climes transcendent
A colorful gorgeous bunch
Along with pinks-oranges packs quite the punch
Did you ever see such glorious lavender, blue and mauve
Dressage so aristocratic & suave

On the timeline were some glories
Knitting their own unique stories
Mala did bring them out to play
And they made for a rather colorful display
How better can one honor a rose
But nestle it amidst others that pose
With beauty not vanity
They keep our sanity

Pinks, reds and white dominate
It's as if seasons across them nominate
To be harbingers of universal messages
Through nature's realm they pronounce passages

Spring doth a variety bring
With gaiety they add to the swing
The blooms they do astound
Ease the mind with beauty profound

Oranges, reds, whites & yellows were never ones to stay behind
For grace and poetry they were specially designed
Common, uncommon, command they the eye
Vibrant, loud, impressive, spring's constant ally

My Co-Contributors

Shalini, Shantha & Mahesh; Rachna, Vivek & Alka; Mala; Mala & Gautam; Hina, Shalini, Vivek, & Shashi; Rachna, UdayBaxiji & Hina; Shantha, Shashi & Vivek; UdayBaxiji, Vee, Shashi, Hina & Monica; Monica, UdayBaxi & Hina (both frames)


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