Sunday, March 6, 2022

Spring's Floral Choir


Spring is in the air; in some regions it is very much in, in some knocking on the door! Spring is the time rebirth, for joy, but also for confusion as shown by a blog contributor (wanted to know if spring had truly come round). And yet this spring has brought with itself more than confusion, it has brought invasion. And all those who said the dispersion of economic activities across the globe will prevent wars, because countries are dependent on one another, well, it doesn't really. By that logic, Ukraine should have been safe. While this blog and its blogger prefer to keep this space apolitical, sometimes the question just drives itself to the fore

So, world turn, turn, to the point of no return
With shells, tanks, missiles, nations/people burn
Why this need to cause unnecessary churn
Will humanity for lasting peace continue to always yearn
Do we really understand the beauty that from flowers we earn
Can we like them learn to grow and prosper in peace
That each day we could grab and for ourselves seize
That people may together live and grow
Allow grace, love, peace to put on a never-ending show

However, not for dark thoughts is this blog meant
Not when gorgeous blooms are spreading their scent
Someone did refer to last week's commotion
Hinted that they were sharing flowers unreal with trepidation
At which point Vivek did say, was no cause for admonition
The shared flowers were truly deserving of admiration
And more blooms joined the celebration
Rendering true our colorful fascination

Udayji has handed over blooming glories
To Shalini to share their stories
Stupendous colors, shine bright
Lift the blog to greater heights

The hills are resounding with the sounds of spring
A friend's bloom-laden garden does brilliance bring
Ria does meanwhile travel to closer shores
Its flora she sends for us to adore
Colors and blooms that we love to see
Flowers as flowers should be

Have you seen a flowering Aloe
Strange spikes does it grow
From California, Shantha sends beauties
What shall we do with these cuties
Hiway joins in with a blooming peach tree
Suby questions spring's advent with a flowering amaltas spree

Permission a good friend recently gave
Blooms from his home be shared for us to rave
Reds and yellows set the greens ablaze
Their mingled harmony does us amaze
Gentle pinks the choir do make
As they sing songs sweet for our sake

My Co-Contributors

Shashi, Anjali & Monica; Monica & AbbasR; HippyMallu, Shalini, Rachna, Vivek, & Shantha; Ranjona, Shashi, UdayBaxi, Rachna, Monica & Subytweets; Shalini & Shashi; UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi & Vivek; Anjali & Rachna; Ria (Via Shalini) Anjali, June, Vivek & Ranjona; Shantha, Hiway & Subytweets; RaviM & Rachna.

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