Wednesday, July 20, 2022

A Grinning Rosebush


 Monsoons are well and truly entrenched in Mumbai; we've been having rains for consecutive days now: low lying areas get flooded, traffic gets disrupted, movement becomes difficult, people start talking about the city's undying spirit and yes clothes take 2 and more days to dry! And in the midst of all this, Mom's daycare maid's gone on leave to attend to her Ma! Can't say no, although things become tougher when she's not around! But mothers are mothers and daughters need to take care of them! And over this interval (between last post and now), gems have flown in as usual. So, without further ado, what say we get going?

Periwinkles sweet does Shashi bring into meet
With tiny bejeweled raindrops the day to greet
A platter of flowery dough
And roses that are fragile yet tough
With the moon shining up there in the sky
Starry nights coming oh so nigh
And grinning from ear to ear
Says Vivek's rosebush to the rain
You, I don't fear!
Wouldst thou please visit again?

Seems the Hibiscus streak is still running strong
Udayji brought in some more to add to the song
Sparkling whites, yellows, oranges, reds do frolic
In their wholesomeness, are pretty symbolic

From Shantha come colors delightful
Each wondrous, more than an eyeful
A riot of blooms standing merrily tall
Across a wide spectrum, they hold us in thrall

From the US more lilies do come
They seem to be marching to their own drum
Yellow-speckled reds do in chime
Contrasting with all the green ever so sublime

It is considered an invasive pest
But is in Nature's grandest colors dressed
A delicate globe does also arrive
Makes it tough to easily describe
Neighbor's gardens & walks add to the spree
Colors in joyous abandon & glee

A burst of color dances through
A medley that encourages repeated view
Gay blooms that decorate their spaces
Easily winning imagined races
Potted Bougainvillea and neighbor's treasures
Allow us to enjoy these bountiful pleasures


My Co-Contributors

Vivek, Shalini & Shashi;  UdayBaxiji; Shantha; June, Shashi & Lillian; Vivek, Shantha, Shashi & Shalini; Shashi & Shalini; Shalini, UdayBaxiji, June & Shashi; Shalini & Vivek

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