Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Energizing Beauty!


The post is due, so the fingers begin their dance on the keyboard and the brain starts to both scatter and collect thoughts, experiences and more. Words jingle-jangle hurriedly to form sensible compilations to accurately portray nature's majesty. In the midst of all this come Mom's memories of days and gardens gone by. As many of you would know, Sunday was a tough day for her. When she finally stabilized flowers seem to be a calming influence. She talked of the round garden near their Lahore home, of the many gardeners who took care of lawns/gardens first at the Minto Road (Delhi) house, then the Allahabad kothi and the many houses/homes across Dad's various service postings! There are 3 flowers she holds dear: jaba (hibiscus), gulab (rose) and for some reason, the sweet pea creeper. Bougainvillea occupies the latter portion of memories. More on her flower memories in another post!

Since Hibiscus is a favorite flower
And contributors do continue to it shower
On this blog with great generosity
Only fair that it is made a priority
And lead the post today
Allow it to have its dominance & sway
Even posed with lovely European gems
It raises the beauty of all stems
A path straight to greatness it does show
As all blooms fall into a merry flow

June's lilies are merrily coming along
Prompting the creation of many a song
That sings their praises to the sky
Her shares bring them near to delight the eye
From the Northeast comes a visual feast
True beauties & wildflowers released
Even as they their last chords do play
Majesty they still convey
Fuchsia brilliance boggles the mind
A hue exquisitely designed

This particular group acts as a soothing balm
To a fractured mind adds a degree of calm
Blooms in this frame are an energizing touch
Nature's beauty juxtaposed as such

Varied beauties shining bright
Across the world, wondrous delights
Blooms in the desert so majestic
They elevate the blooms domestic

From the northern hills these come
With their songs the blooms thrum
Ranjona & Shalini these treasures share
Of their glory, many are unaware

Still many more blooms put on their show
In tandem with each other they sway & flow
Colors brilliants, colors mild
Coloring alike the minds of adults & child
The wave of freshness that they bring
Alongside, our hearts do sing
Songs unwritten, but of one note
Songs not sung by rote
Sung in praise, to Nature raised
As she lovingly our lives does grace

My Co-Contributors

Scharada, June, Vivek, Shalini, Shashi & Devlina; Jola, Vivek & Scharada; June, Shantha, Shalini, & Vivek (Veronika); @Hiway, Scharada, Shantha; June, Jola, Shashi, Shantha & Ranjona; Vivek, Shalini & Shashi; Jola, AdityaDSingh, Shantha, Shalini & Devlina; Ranjona & Shalini; Shashi, Jola, Shantha & Shalini; Shantha, Shashi & Jola; Scharada, Vivek & Shantha

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