Friday, July 1, 2022

Amazing Spreads

This is a long overdue post! Life sometimes interferes with planned activities in a big way, as it did with me. Last Tuesday was my unplanned meeting with a viral, which brought with itself the usual high fever and severe body ache, leaving the blogger supine for over 3-days! Recovery would perhaps have been faster, had the blogger had full days rest. But that's a different story! Anyway, in all this while, the rain gods decided that they should do their work and came visiting, though not with clockwork regularity. The blogger had to let her folks know that she was out of it... very supportive folks she has..

Lilies & Rain Lilies!
On an another note:
Blogger by a virus be felled
In knots by fever & body ache be spelled
Good soul he be, the doc has advised rest
So, that blogger can return to what she does best
By calendar days he recommends five
That should be enough he says  to get blogger back to life

Shalini did in chime with:

Oh, the blogger be beat,
Now who will tweet
Rhymes and pictures
Of flowers sweet?
But never mind
Flowers can wait
Blogs can be late
Our blogger's health
Is our greater wealth!
So take rest, my friend
Till the fevers end
Followers and flowers
Will be patient till you mend :)

How could the blogger such a sweet statement let go

The rhyme is sweet
A beat blogger it did greet
Thanks to followers n flowers
For the love n care they both shower!

Somewhere in the middle of that week
Shashi, appreciation for wilting flowers did seek
Allowed the blogger to have further say
And the subsequent responses made her day:
Flowers still pretty & sweet
No longer around,  viral still has blogger beat
Tests done, wasn't Covid's blow
But brain sure is slow
Verses come @ odd times
When  one can't capture rhymes
Praises flowers deserve
My travails I can't serve.
Bear with me awhile more
There soon will be rimes galore

Shalini & Vivek chimed in with:

When the blogger is beat
Still her rhymes are sweet
When she's recovered
Imagine how divine
Would be her rhymes!
Take care, dost
When the mind is host
To viral load
Rest and hydration
Are the mantras
To recover full operations...

The pilot being unwell,
Our co-pilot fills in.
Flight is smooth as ever
Thanks to her endeavor.

Tic Tac Toe!
Glories that hidden flowers show
Stories from journeys taken
On roads,  hearts do hearken
Of blooms eagerly awaited
That nature's majesty created
Of passion flowers
And their brilliantly colored showers
Of Bees and trees, in winter turning into berries
Feeding the birds, offering fruits like cherries

And then more blue-lavender-pinks came to the fore
In incandescent hues the blogger adores
The blooms she held close to her heart
As the viral tore her routine apart
The joy that the colors brought
Was eagerly time and again sought
Generous friends kept up the pace
Their magnificent shares upped the grace

On hot summer days, cool makes the save
When sorbets, ices the heart does crave
From India came the Ice cream tree
While Suki brought in a delicious guarantee
Lovely blooms lined the walk
While Suki spoke the ice cream talk!

Strangely enough, among all the beauties
A variety of hibiscus performed their duties
From far and wide were they brought
Calmed minds and souls distraught
With life's heavy showers
When not-so good news from all directions overpowers
Then this humble flower that decorates many a bower
Showcases its true superpower

Flowers unexpected and that too brilliant reds
They help in creating amazing spreads
Blooming and happily glowing away
Strings of a beautiful essay

Madhumalti's exuberance in the rain
That itself tells us how much we do gain
From a cooling, refreshing shower
As it flora, fauna, humans does empower
Ranjona from the hills does glory send
Karthik's Alamanda does in blend
From Shantha, a delicate symmetry
In a glass, gems with their mystery

 Flowers for joy, flowers for love
Flowers as eternal as Peace's dove
All powerful though they be small & tiny
Pristine, graceful & oh so shiny

My Co-Contributors

June, Rachna, Alka & Shalini; Shalini, Shashi & UdayBaxi; UdayBaxi, Shashi & Shalini;   Shashi, Vivek & Shalini; Karthik & June; Shantha, Shashi, Vivek (Via Jola); June, Shantha, Shashi & Rachna;  Vee (via a friend) & Shantha; SukiF & Vivek; FreyaS & UdayBaxi; June (Via Allison); Shalini (& Rajnika); Shantha, Shalini & Vivek; Mahesh, Shashi, Shantha, Vivek & Rachna; Karthik, Ranjona, Shantha & Vivek; June, Shantha, Shashi & Devlina.

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