Sunday, January 29, 2023

Life goes on


As I sit beside the window contemplating life, time seems to stand still for an infinitesimal moment, as if something compels it to do so and yet I know time never stands still. It is eternal, ever-moving, ever changing. And I know I must write, not just for the many blooms that await their day of glory, but also for myself lest I get caught in the sands of sorrow & loss. The frames have been readied, but whither the lines, whither the rhymes...

A look at the frames did a tweet forth bring
That of yellows one day this blog must sing
For Amit, Suby, Ranjona, and many more
For yellows should be writ a merry score
Well, let's to yellows wave a cheery hail
That they
always will knit interesting tales
That in the vast spreading of its hues
It will encompass all, many & a few

If yellows have their songs can pinks fall out of line
They are a color that always does shine
On buds, blooms & even leaves
In bunches, bouquets on stems, in sheaves

'Tis also the time for Roses in India to glow
Year after year they put on a stunning show
In shades surprisingly strong
Blushing or beaming they can never go wrong

Wondrous blooms did two contributors share
They further elevated the post's fare
Nature's palette lovingly arrayed
Her specialties astonishingly displayed

The common and uncommon are so filled with power
Their beauty does their plants empower
Maroon blended with orange and yellow
And pristine white enriching the flow

Blooms, glorious blooms as far as the eye can see
A multitude of colors, vibrant, bright and free
Collected and shared with so much love
Lifting hearts & minds, covering with a healing glove

My Co-Contributors
Subytweets, Rachna, Shantha, Shalini, Ranjona, & Dr. Manish; Mahesh, Shantha, June, Shalini, Shashi & Dr. Manish; Rina's blushing blooms via Shalini; Dr. Manish & Vivek; Ranjona & Dr. Manish; Vivek & Dr. Manish; Shalini & Dr.Manish; Mahesh, Silverlightgal, Shantha, Shalini & Sai; Mahesh, @AnitReal, Bharath, Shalini, Rina, & Kakul.

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