Monday, July 3, 2023

Dazzling Blooms


 As days go by, one would think it would be easier to write the posts, but somehow, somewhere the drive is watered down, words are hard to come by, rhymes form and they vanish in the blink of an eye. This blog has grown and how and contributors come from far and wide. My apologies to them, but sometimes lines refuse to form on command and the blogger cannot cater to some contributors' demand. It is an honor to receive your flowers from far and wide, nature and you do take me on an energizing ride. This blogger requests your patience for some more while...

The clock ticks on by & bye
Time on its own speed does fly
Days & nights continue their march
Life moves on towards some pivotal arch
In the blink of an eye 6-months have gone
But of their beauty, days are sometimes shorn
Full well you loved the sound of the rain
Drizzles bring their own pleasure and pain
A sudden loss brings to fore the fragility of life
Another soul has been freed from the daily strife
Families left behind are stoic in their loss
After all, Destiny is everyone's boss
Live life to the full & strive for more
Who knows what awaits on that distant shore
Breath & steps in cadence move
To the divine's music we should groove
Nature with its full splendor on display
Richness of hues it does portray
This blogger sometimes loses the refrain
Her brain struggles to keep moving the flowery chain
Some questions bring themselves to the front
Sometimes they are hard to stunt
Colors & hues shared spear through
Daily they knock, while words doth pursue
Demand fingers to keyboard be put
Rhymes be pushed out from underfoot
When the nagging becomes too strong
The blogger is driven to not let agony prolong
Then come lines, connected and linked
On the page this rhymer drops some ink

A day of blue
A hue that always knew
It could vividly shine
And be ahead of the line
Bunches of blooms
Cutting through clouds like shiny plumes
Hues rich, glistening shades
Reminders that Nature's beauty never fades
Make hearts sing
Much joy bring

Then came visiting some bright reds
Sheer gorgeousness put them right ahead
Of the morning's gifts n surprises
These definitely were the prize
Some went onto mountain climb
Their beauty was sublime
Other colors dared in sneak
They also longed to peek

Hibiscus and lilies always rule
They are the leaders in the school
From near and far have they been brought
For our satisfaction by cameras caught
Many a word can be written in praise
On them repeatedly we feast our gaze

Then came mums and cone flowers
Brilliance they did shower
Flowers in churches and by flag posts
Serene and lively hosts
If blues have been about
Lavenders-violets do also scout
They also join the blooming parade
Color after color, quite a cascade

Some more frames await their turn, next time, I guess...

 My Co-Contributors

Shalini, Shantha, Vivek & Beacon; Vivek, Shantha, Shalini-Rina; Vivek, Shantha, Shalini, Silverlightgal; Beacon & Bhaskar; Shashi, Shantha, Shalini & June; Shashi & Shantha; Beacon, Shalini & Kirti; Bhaskar, Beacon, Devlina & Shantha; Ranjona, Shantha, Vivek, June, Rachna & Bhaskar; June, Shashi, Shantha & Shalini; June & Shashi; Shantha, Shalini & Moushumi; Shashi & Shantha.

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