Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sprinkling Color


The  clock's been ticking again, quite loudly too! I wonder what message it is trying to send, it goes tick-tock-tick-a-tock and with it time flies by. Time! A small word but oh so weighty. What goes on in your minds when you think of time? For me, time has sped up and yet slowed down simultaneously, it has crawled and it has run! And, that time will never come by again.  I sit by the window sometimes contemplative then pensive, at times it seems I freeze; then break out in a flurry of little actions, but you see, time's churn is the actual squeeze. 

Rains have made their presence felt
Across hills, valleys, plains and dells
Mother nature so generous and giving
Can be totally wrathful & unforgiving
Full well humankind has wrought its worst
And mother earth has in protest burst
Cast down boulders, rocks and more
Sent down floods & mayhem galore
And yet, life as usual seems to move
Flowers, sun, moon, stars do groove
This blog to flowers does raise praise
But sometimes, questions do in chase
Beauty & disaster walk side by side
Alongside, the bad the good does glide
Rain-drenched flowers do hit the spot
As brilliant hues bloom across many lots
Some frames from last post were left behind
To begin this one, they must've been designed
Beautifully they lift the game
Loudly to all proclaim
Time to cheer, time to celebrate
Let our wonders in your life reverberate

Pinks in various hues rejoice
Shoulder by shoulder spoil us for choice
Merry blooms they all doth be
Sprinkling color over you and me

Walk for health, find some flowers
On this blog do contributors shower
All the goodness that they do capture
Rare or common it induces rapture
Colors, hues, types and blooms
Nature's bounty in full costume
Hues known, shades not met
Majesty does beauty beget

A variety came out to play
Delicately poised they showed the way
Sheer gorgeousness on us they bestow
Come let's bask in their colorful glow

My Co-Contributors

Vivek, Shantha & Shashi; Shalini, Shashi & Vivek; Shantha, Shashi & Shalini; Beacon; Yash, Anjali & Vivek; Shashi & Shantha; Shalini, Yash  & Anjali; Shalini, Shantha, Vivek & Ranjona; Shalini, Shantha & Shashi; Shalini, Shashi, & Vivek; Shalini, Shantha, Dr.Manish & Soumitra; June & Rachna; Bhaskar, Vivek, Shashi & Yash; Bhaskar, Beacon, Shantha & Rachna.

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