Sunday, August 6, 2023

Winds of Change are Blowin'


 Time to write a new post, and time for change to come floating by. Time to move on with life, while keeping the past firmly entrenched, but time to make anew memories, experiences and more.

 The winds of change are blowing
They advise with them to keep flowing
For a project there might come a hail
Old skills refreshed, new ones to scale
A change in home city it may bring
Oncoming challenges make the blogger sing
It wouldn't do to say nay
Lady luck has sent some this way
Mayhaps, a break will be good
Her absence is not totally withstood
The eyes still for her search
Not finding her the heart does lurch
She did command to live to the full my life
Move forth to progress, away from strife
This sign I will accept and take
Shifts and moves if required make
The blog posting may be a tad slow
But request contributors to keep up the flow
For their blooms our days do cheer
Keep gloom away, bring smiles near

 The rains are here to stay
Sometimes all day, sometimes every other day
The parched earth drinks in every drop
And nature begins to glow and pop
Blooms from everywhere do come
Pinks, reds, oranges, yellows and then some

A plethora of blooms outstripping the praise
How many words in appreciation do we raise
The blogger is having a time tough
Rhymes and lines come out rough
The heart many-a-time doesn't wish to pen
Discipline compels the blogger then
Days meld into night and nights meld into day
Life, hectic, running, dark, colorful holds its sway
Society all round has gone to the dogs
While politicians, law & order are sawing logs
Sometimes, I wonder what comes next
What stories will form the new context
Also seen are vivid color blazes
Sometimes harsh, sometimes soothing to our gazes
From these blooms, resilience we'll learn
Through them everlasting beauty discern

My Co-Contributors

Monica (from her US travels, 1st 2 frames); Monica, Shashi & Shalini; Beacon, Shalini, Shashi & Monica; Vivek, Ranjona, Dr.Manish & Shashi; Shalini, Shantha, Shashi & Vivek; Beacon, Bhaskar, Shantha & Monica; Shashi, Shantha, Shalini; June & Shalini; Shashi & Monica; June, Shashi, Shantha, Rachna & Vivek; Bhaskar, Dr.Manish, Shashi & Shalini. 

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