Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Flowers Time Tested & True


 The blogger is reluctant to write, words do not flow; it is as if there's something stopping the flow. The shares are gorgeous, they do provoke a smile, but life is handing out hard lessons which make for tougher miles. Many a flower is yet to be framed, but the blogger's head is not in the game. An anniversary did recently pass by, it brought smiles, tears and sighs!

New beginnings are slow to start
That causes me to be a worry wart
Flowers bloom, seasons change
Life runs its usual range
The yen to put finger to keyboard doesn't arise
With things in so much flux, that's no surprise
Yet the contributors gamely continue to show
With flowers colorful putting on their show
The world once again is in turmoil
Old enmities flare up and do the region roil
So much bloodshed, so much lost
Peace, if it comes, at what cost
Mother nature at once her fury does flash
Roads, dams, bridges, infra it does slash
Festivals are on us once again
Joyous sounds make the refrain
Flowers hold time tested and true
Pinks, reds, yellows, lighter, bolder hues
From neighborhoods, walks, friends' gardens
Backyards, vases, hotels, the ambit widens
Seasons change, they come and go
Colorful blooms move with the flow
Climate changes means blooms last longer
Like Shashi's Roses they are stronger

 With demands on land, come the wars
And othering starts anew
Mother nature shows her scars
Amid demands that we renew
Our pledges to her and humanity
Bring back peace, brotherhood & clarity
That nations shall not bring forth conflict
It's time to introspect & not inflict
Damage, hurt, tears and more
Civilization does keep the score
Even though there is massive gloom
Smoke spreads its ghostly plume
But, flowers still bloom
Spread their colors & their perfume
Calm minds, hearts and souls
Try to bring closer those distant poles

This year is almost to its end
Another few months their stories will lend
Life will go on as it does
Incidents, happenings will swirl around us
The festive season is all but nigh
Among highs there are some weary sighs
The globe will spin, night & day will turn
Endless time will forever churn
Build new memories, write new tales
Sing some songs across valleys & dales
Flowers will spread their cheer & song
Encourage us to sing along
Newer melodies we will pen
Dance around yearnings, yen & ken
The world will move & it will hold still
Dancing eternally to that great will

My Co-Contributors

June, Shashi, Shantha & Shalini; June, Shantha & Shalini; Shashi, Shantha & Shalini; Shashi, Shantha, Shalini, & Vivek;  Shalini-Selina, Vivek, Shantha, & Shashi; Shalini & Shashi; Shantha, Shalini, June & Vivek; Shashi, Shantha, Vivek & Shalini

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